Fixed bike recommendations for track racing

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Cycling Excusiast
Hi all

have managed to negotiate a bit of cash from Kryptonite due to their lock failing and my carbon fibre road bike been stolen- however not all of the anti theft protection offer was given since the lock was taken with the bike. Have sold my clunky fixed gear bike recently as wasn't good to cycle for speed and was looking to spend the funds from Kryptonite on a fixed gear bike specifically for track racing.

I did a google search and have contacted fixed gear london - who build bikes they have a minimum budget of £850 which is well above my budget of £500 (which would include pedals -Look Keo sprint) anyone have experience of a build from these guys?

I don't care about the fashionability of the bike and rim,wheel colours etc are not important - utilitarian and fit for racing on track is more important for me - though a set of brakes that I can remove would be useful for getting from home to the track. What I would want is a set of drop handlebars to sprint into. Have a saddle already which I will fit onto the bike.

Off the peg bikes I am considering are Kona Paddy Wagon and Specialized Langster non steel frame - choice of these two due to the geometry of the bikes being a good fit for a woman of 5 ft 3". Anyone own one of these and how do they ride? The Kona 2009 is a disgusting colour combination - if I was going by looks the Langster is more subtle and my cup of tea- whichever year we're talking!

Words of wisdom would be great - so I can spend the well negotiated funds!!:wacko:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Try Dolan bikes... think their track bikes start from a very good price.


Well-Known Member
I agree, Dolan would be a good place to start. You should be able to pick up the Pre Cursa for £450-£500. They go down to a 49cm frame if that is small enough for you.


Cycling Excusiast

where have you seen one for £450? The link Fossyant has posted is advertised at £520 reduced which is a fraction above my budget and I'm trying to save quids for replacing the carbon fibre bike


Well-Known Member
It's a while now since I was looking but I think it was the same store that Fossy linked to, they must have either been selling off old stock or put up the price a little.


Cycling Excusiast
Ah fair enough- Bit of a random question but did you both choose this online and order straight off or did you somehow manage to try one out? The Geometry of the small seems fine but sometimes you never know unless you ride it.

OT, Surprising this; posted the exact same thing on another forum specifically about this type of bike -lets not mention names ey and you guys have been more helpful so far- wonder about that forum...odd


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've ridden the Dolan Precursa's (not track champs) at the Velodrome - fine bikes actually. I was looking at the fixed road bike, and the guy was really helpfull - mainly about trying to sort out cycle scheme, but my LBS had a better bike in the end.

Don't forget, top tubes will be shorter than road bikes - track geometry, and the BB will he higher, so the measurements may be a bit odd.


New Member
If you are considering a road fixed such as the Paddy Wagon or Langster rather than a specific track bike then you'll need to check the rules for whichever track you intend to ride to make sure the bike meets specification. Manchester velodrome, for example, specifies 165mm cranks and I think both Paddy Wagon and Langster come with 170mm.


Cycling Excusiast
Thanks for the feedback - yes I noticed the odd set of measurements Foss but have decided the 50cm Dolan pre cursa is the machine for me - also chosen 165mm cranks - have decided not to go for the road fixed and go for a track specific bike.

Thanks again!
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