Flo doesn't work if they don't look for you

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"Wearing flo kit does nothing if the driver doesn't look for a cyclist" an oft quoted phrase on here - and this morning some proof nearly dumped me in the road.

I put my survival down to good observation and covering my brakes. I was ready for stupidity, and could react when it happened.

View: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2YFiR_ASh6s

you guys might remember my van incident, when the bar*rd shoved me out of the way in order to run a red light?

View: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hgbNmiq1Png

There it is.
Can't see the video youtube is blocked. I'd agree with what you saying, it does catch some people's eyes who might not of seen you otherwise but other just stare right through you and it wouldn't matter what you are wearing.


no-one's suggesting this as a criticism of hi viz gear are they?

and wow, amazing isn't it, I've always thought 'quiet' back roads most dangerous

and your two links are the same btw


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Get a Airzound! It won't stop the idiots trying to kill you but you will be able to let them know you exist. Good riding btw both videos.


I was going to suggest that you were slow moving into that right turn lane and perhaps had even cut across him

the slo mo makes it quite clear he shoved his way past/through you, yikes

filthy weather that looked like, usual numpties not bothering with lights


New Member
Jaysus that Van was close, brown trouser time I'd imagine. Glad you reported him, keep us updated with the Police's response?


New Member
I am annoyed that the video doesn't clearly show the moment he hit me, in the slo-mo it is about halfway down the side of the van I suddenly swerve left and correct it, that was him hitting my handlebar.

If the Police can't be assed to do anything for bollo, they are certainly not going to do anything about this moron.


yes, I thought you were in pursuit and were about to do something at the moment she shoots off
That's a shocker Jacomus. Pretty similar to one that happened to me a while back (
View: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zwfrHSO-av4
), although it looks like yours was closer.

In mine I actually eyeballed the woman (a woman again :angry:) but she just went anyway. It is possible that she did see you but just decided that you looked like a nice gap!:blush:

I must admit if it got that close at the very least I would have been having serious words!!


New Member
I was going to chase and have strong words, at least to tell her to check out youtube. But of course I could see down the road to the right, where the camera does not and say it was clear. I knew she was going to zoom off so I just aimed the camera at her numberplate.

For ATC owners, you may have noticed the image wobble is horizontal not verticle, thats down to the camera being mounted on my headtube not handlebar. I have "borged" my headtube in an effort to cut down some of the ridiculous image wobble.

It has worked to an extent, but not whilst the picture is better over bumps, it is worse on smooth tarmc! ARGH!
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