Fossy's Back Up after being Down

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@Pat "5mph" - Brilliant ! :bravo: Pure dead brilliant ! :rofl::rofl:
PM @CopperCyclist as suggested, perhaps you can take it further up the line?

And ask the solicitor what if any difference it all makes to the injury claim. I can't see why any as it'll be judged on the severity of injury and length and extent of recovery

I haven't been able to read all 28 pages... But what I have read suggests the officer investigating hasn't covered himself in glory.

All I would suggest is this - if you aren't happy, raise it as a complaint. Things won't change otherwise. If it's a lazy officer they get away with it unless you point it out. If it's a case of one officer drowning under 30 plus investigations who simply doesn't have the time needed, then we need the public to point out when they get a bad service so that the home office can't keep spouting about how we are working "more efficiently".

Raise a complaint - you can make it clear whatever you want from the complaint - be it the officer in trouble, the report corrected, the issue raised. No guarantee of course you get what you want - but if you don't raise it, nothing changes.


Thanks @potsy - we and he can all relax now ! :heat:

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