FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - 16th May 2014, York to Hull

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Deleted member 18052

Shame i'm working out of hours, looks fun - Have a good one :smile: is there a plot of the route, you'll be taking anywhere? dont want to look through all the pages


Legendary Member
Train problems in Leeds, most likely to arrive late in York - about 12.15. Could you pls advise Simon if he's nearby. Have emailed him separately.

Thanks in advance.
I don't know if that message got to Simon or not - they left on time, although there was definitely one person who turned up close to the departure moment. Fingers crossed!

I accompanied them along the first few streets of the ride, before turning Den-wards. The EldestCub was quietly excited, and seemed fighting fit after his 5 hour's kip. York's revellers were suitably perplexed by the sight of a FNRttC in full flight, and the inconvenient roadworks were no match for the the peleton.

Have a cracking ride everybody. I should see you for breakfast in Hull!

(p.s. I made it back home with two elbows intact)
I heard from the tandem about half an hour ago, at which point they were 14km from the bridge and going well. I'm just waiting for CrinklyAuntie who is due round the Den in the next half hour to facilitate another Cheats-Trip-To-Hull for me, making use of one of those new-fangled-automobilethings.

I ate cake for breakfast, btw.


Über Member
It'd be such a shame if this ride was no more :sad:

I took the decision not to ride because of a mounting pile of real life issues that led to me cancelling everything over this weekend in favour of proper rest and relaxation. So I could work next week without being a total zombie again.

I feel guilty now, as well as being gutted to miss the ride :*-(
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