FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast in aid of Martlets Hospice 2nd September 2011

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I'm about to leave Croydon, for a relaxed ride to Semley Place. I should be there nice and early, and hopefully will see everyone there.


Über Member
I'm the first one back!:smile:

Got to the start at 22:00 to help direct traffic at the sign-in. The group left a bit before midnight. I must say, it was an impressive site.

Maybe next year I'll actually do the ride.


Cycling Excusiast
Ahk you beat me Andrij!
Turned off at Mitcham, introduced Martin to his first partial Night ride.
It was fantastic to see all the lights flashing through the trees when we were stopped with Tdr1nka at Clapham.

Have a great ride and enjoy yourselves!


Über Member
I'm back after my watch in Tooting. Everything had gone fairly well up till then.

A bit of a punch up occurred in Tooting High street just as the peloton got there, and some of the riders may have got dragged into it but it may have been our boys in blues who were on the ride.

Everyone arrived at Clapham Common in a very timely manner and the couple of punctures after then were swept up and fixed at Mitcham Common. One of which looked quite bad and I'm not sure he'll make it all the way but the two mechanics did a great job of getting it patched up and back on the road again.


I have just text Simon apologizing for my no-show.

12 o clock last night, had all my stuff ready - energy drinks made, all cycling kit washed and dried, about a million lights attached to my bike, all batteries charged.

Why oh why did I go and sit down 'just waiting for 10 mins' before I leave!?

I have just woken up sitting on my sofa, wearing all my cycling gear!

My apologise again to Simon, the martletts and any other Marshalls who where left wondering where the hell I was.

Hope the rides gone ok, and that every one is currently enjoying the views from the beacon, or tucking in to a well earned breakfast.

If anyone has a sponsorship page for the ride, pleasr can you post a link, and I will make a donation.


Well-Known Member
As I retire to bathe my aches and bruises from the Martlets ride ... can I just say a big thanks to all the Marshals? Super job - friendly, patient, full respect.

I did keep an eye on the various decorations on offer. I was wondering whether there ought to be a prize for the best, glitziest, most outrageously decorated Marshal's steed? I am willing to make nominations [but that might be a little contentious I guess].

Anyway, thanks to all who made it such a good event to participate in. And raising money for a really worthwhile local Brighton and Hove charity. And of course big thanks to Simon - never frazzled.
I agree with jybeebee completely. It was a treat to be involved in such a well organised and friendly event. Only my fitness let me down a bit. My calf muscles felt like they about to explode at one point. The second half of the ride was quite a struggle, but at least I know it was my own fault for not preparing properly. Did I mention how friendly it was? What a reception at the Madeira Cafe too. Thanks to Simon, the many Marshals, the riders and, of course, The Martlets for making it such a worthwhile way to spend a Friday night.



It's a bit more complicated than that...
That's a shame. Tell us more about your new avatar and its accoutrements, srw. I googled the prize. Is that your iris? Are you the ackshul winner?
I am the ackshul winner in the sense that the iris shares my name, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it other than being married to the daughter of the breeder. I am told that Siberian irises rarely receive the Dykes - but my mother-in-law has now won two on the trot with Sibs. All of which means little to me.

1471054 said:
I'm sitting at the junction just before the half way stop. It is so mild that I have been riding in shorts and a short sleeved jersey and still getting hot.
I've spent the morning sitting in front of open patio doors getting chilly. There must be an Amersham micro-climate.


Live to Ride
I hope everyone had a fantastic time
Hello and good afternoon all

just managed to get a couple of hours sleep after taking part in this ride.

i have to say, what an amazing event this was, from the word go.

there are so many things to compliment on this ride and i am sure the feed back will highlight this but for me, i would like to say thanks to all of the marshalls who helped with the event, the lovely ladies who womaned (if thats a term) the feed station and the ladies with the multi coloured flashing head things at the top of Ditchlin beacon. :biggrin:

congratulations to the organisers of the event and i hope lots of money was raised for what is a very worthy cause.

The highlight for me was riding in my own little light bubble in the fog, with nothing but the sound of my bike for company, almost surreal.

and good on the CC'ers who helped restrain the chap in the highstreet.

i shall certainly try to make more of these FNRTTC in future

many thanks again.


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
What an amazing night, a HUGE thank you to all the marshalls, I loved the lights, the cheery greetings, great banter,met some amamzing people & made several new friends, got scared witless riding solo through the badlands with a rapidly failing light, spent 20 mins halfway up Ditchling trying to unjam my chain after going over the handlbars
Finished just after 6am, but stayed to cheer in the rest of the riders, then rode another 12 miles home, managed a couple of hours helping at the local Community Bike project before,`my brain shut down & I began taking absolute gooblygook.
Got home 7 sent to bed by my teenager, and woke after a little sleep to #1 son even cooking me egg on toast - Blimey Thats a first!
I really, really can't wait to do it all again x

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