Funny things that happen to you on a ride

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When i am out on my bike, I always see something that makes me chuckle or something happens that makes me laugh, like today;

I was riding to work, I got into Hellaby near Rotherham and the biggest rat I have ever seen run accross the road, the car next to me slammed on her brakes and I also jumped on my brakes hard.

I have never seen a rat that big it stops a car and a cyclest, I had a good laugh about it on the rest of the way to work.

If anyone has any funny stories they would like to share, please do...

Biker Joe

Über Member
Certainly something different^_^.
Nothing to report that's happened recently, however a little while ago I was cycling through a small village. I was just coming up to a pub when this old woman stepped into the road some distance ahead of me. There was some traffic moving slowly through the village and everything came to a stop.
She moved slowly into the road , bent down and picked up what looked like a silver coin, could have been a 50p.
She slowly straightened up and moved slowly back to the footpath, raising a hand with the coin in the air with a big grin on her face and continued on her way. The traffic was then able to continue moving. I found it quite amusing, as did most of the vehicle drivers apart from one or two who were shaking their heads in annoyance. It was a good chuckle moment.
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had a couple of idiot essex boys get all cross with me and my mate for riding two abreast ( we didnt notice them come up behind us as we normally go to single file)

anyway they got really irate, lots of abuse and slamming on brakes etc, followed by them pulling into a farm entrance, jump out of the car ( well waddle really as they were so fat) red bull in hand and start ranting at us to "come on then" etc

look on their faces was priceless as we just rode past and ignored them


three wheels on my wagon
This morning, riding to work through the park: a large all white cat chasing a squirrel up a tree.
The squirrel came down while the cat was still half way up, disappeared along the riverbank.
My dog has still to realise that squirrels climb trees, and will run round the base barking furiously wondering where they went :smile:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Attacked by a mahoosive dog the last time I commuted. I won when it got my cleated foot in the face. I swear I felt teeth on my ankle

None of the cyclists who occasionally commute to the site, have mentioned said dog since.


A couple of weeks ago I was riding home from work, at around 1pm. I saw two clearly drunk men stood outside a pub, one of whom had an eyepatch, and the other had a crutch and a false leg. To top it off one was carrying a bottle of Captain Morgans rum. I couldn't help but laugh at these two drunken blokes that sort of resembled pirates.


Legendary Member
Told this before in a different context/post, but..cycling alomg one summers night in the countryside, pitch black barring the beam of light from my front light. It gave me maybe 10 ft of visibilty...not much at 15 - 17 mph.
Out of the gloom on one side loomed this black shape about the size of a large dog and ambled across my path :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Frightened the cr@p out of me in that split second, i found myself shouting 'FAAARRRRK OFFFF' in the perhaps vain hope whatever it was might get out of the way :laugh:. It was of course a badger, it ambled on, probably competely unaware or uncaring...i wobbled off into the gloom, trying to regain some composure .
It did occur to me there's a village maybe 200 yards up the road. I had visions of someone putting the milk bottles out, just bending hear a wierd 'FAARRRRK OFFF' emanating from the gloomy dark :huh:


Über Member
Only realy funny thing which happened to us was my wife whilst waiting to pay at our local co-op dressed in a very bright pink coat HI viz waist coat and bright pink helmet got queue jumped by a bloke who when told about it by the till operator turned around and said Sorry love I did not see you ! she replied I hope your not driving a car ? Yes why he asks she then ever so lady like replies Bollocks we don't stand a chance I'll give you ten min's head start


North Yorkshire
More odd than funny on a couple of occasions. Me and my mate have a particular watering hole in a little village just outside Northallerton we like to frequent when out riding...particularly in the summer. Always sit outside and catch a few rays whilst quaffing our well earned ale. Anyway me and aformetioned pal are sat there this day and a car pulls up outside, an oldish guy get out of the car walks past us and says ' Alright lads' as we do in these parts. He disappears into the pub but ten minutes later he comes out and says to us ' Do you like reading?' We both reply in the affirmitive so he tootles over to his car and bring us this big box of cycling books and plonks them on the table next to our pints. It was very generous of him and we accepted gracefully but being on bikes we had to ask the landlord if he would keep them behind the bar for us until we could collect them later.
A week otr two later we were sat outside the same place when a car pulls up and some bloke shouts us over. He asks if we are local and when we said yes he asks if we know the way back onto the A1. Informs us that there has been a smash up on the A1 travelling North and he's been detoured to where we were. Anyway we give him directions and off he goes. A minute or so later another car comes along and the driver asks exactly the same. We spent the best part of an hour supping and giving lost drivers directions back onto the A1.
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