Furniture impressions/depressions in carpets

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
As it says.. What's the best way to remove the impressions in a carpet from settees that have been unmoved for 5 years?
Wool carpet, I think.
We've tried ice cubes in a plastic bag. Didn't work.
Polyfilla is not an option btw





Legendary Member
A decent vacuum cleaner (ie not a dyson) one with a hose and use it to 'suck up' the dent.


Taken from elsewhere

"Steam offers help for stubborn or large carpet indentations. Moisten a lint-free, white cotton cloth such as a tea towel so it is damp but not wet enough to drip. Place the towel over the affected area, then iron it with a clothes iron on a cotton setting, ironing slightly beyond the dents. Remove the iron, leaving the towel in place to dry over the carpeting. Lift the towel away once it dries, or after several hours."


Steam, and a light wire brushing often works.
Go easy on the brushing, you just need to lift the pile.

As above, or a steam cleaner, which I'd use and do when required.

Its dependent on the underlay to an extent as to how successful your results will be.


Legendary Member
Steam and heat as above but not wire brushing, maybe a tooth brush. If your underlay is foam you'll have more success than with felt. It will improve with repeated attention.


Eh up
We have just got a new bed its legs are a smaller footprint and in a different position to the old one which had been there for a very long time, as @raleighnut says above a good vacuum on full power, I removed the extensions and just used the round outlet going over and over until it looked reasonable, I can still see where its been, but it is a lot better.

Miele Vacuum used, other makes are available (but not as good)


Legendary Member
We have just got a new bed its legs are a smaller footprint and in a different position to the old one which had been there for a very long time, as @raleighnut says above a good vacuum on full power, I removed the extensions and just used the round outlet going over and over until it looked reasonable, I can still see where its been, but it is a lot better.

Miele Vacuum used, other makes are available (but not as good)
Ditto for the Miele.
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