Getting all silly over cycling ....

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Senior Member
Rayleigh, Essex
Hi guys

Had the most amazing ride this morning. Everything just felt 'Right'. Do you know what I mean?

It was a cold crisp morning with bright blue skies and a low hanging sun in the sky

I felt so good about the world I've just rewarded myself with a nice glass of wine or two - hic!!

I then I read the text below and it so summed up why I ride and how I feel when I'm riding I feel compelled to share it with my cycle chat virtual friends!

Sorry to get all silly over this but this just made the hairs on the back of neck stand up. Hope someone else understands....

I ride for the silence; I ride to empty my brain; I ride for the void. Random thoughts do fall into this void — a line of poetry, an overheard comment — but they are like snowflakes falling on water. After an hour in the saddle, I'm mentally far, far away. There is some pain, but the brain has an antidote: endorphins — neurochemicals more potent than Prozac, which suppress pain and induce a feeling of wellbeing. Melancholy is incompatible with cycling.

As the American poet Diane Ackerman wrote: "When I'm on a bicycle the world is breaking someone else's heart." For that alone, I keep cycling, no matter the risk of getting knocked off again.

Nearly there

I find cycling is good for the mind too clears the head except when you know a strava segment is coming up and you think must go faster must climb that league or is that just me^_^

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Its why I like to cycle at night when its deserted ( and its even more liberating if you cycle in pitch darkness without any lights, instead relying on your night vision! :blush:).


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a nice pootle on the bike to clear the mind or make decisions (big or small). Also enjoy a night cycle or even proper early mornings!

Once planned out a whole decking structure on a ride lol


Active Member
I agree when i'am out on the bike all the worlds worries just float away.On my daily commute home i forget all the stresses from work.
Weekend rides are great not just for physically getting out but mentally :crazy:


The things that fall into that void are strange and often worthwhile - but the things that are tossed in by my surroundings can be just as strange.

Yesterday on the way out I passed a small village hall, with a group of people congregating outside, greeting each other and drinking from cups. On the way back they were spit-roasting a whole pig over a fire.Now the temperature was hovering around 6 degrees at the time and there were some squally showers.

By the time I got home I had built a story around this weird cameo to the point that I could almost taste the pork!
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