Getting going again!

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New Member
Hey all

My name's Gregg and I am just about to start cycling to work again. I must admit part of me is not looking forward to it, but yet part of me is! I use to do it 5 times a week @ 26 miles a day. That was about a year ago and my fitness levels were so much higher. Now I have lost that level of fitness and have put on about 4 stone since......nice!!!
Now I have decided to join this forum for encouragement. There is so many benefits to cycling, least of all saving money, but that dreaded time in the morning when it's time to set off is what I dislike. Does anyone have anyone else experience this? If so how do you over come it?
Some might question is cycling really for me? Well I used to enjoy that's one good reason....Save on my carbon footprint....another good reason......Save money.....another good reason......oh and now not having a car (Due to some delivery driver hitting the back end whilst it was parked) another good reason.

Any tips and support would be great!!

Thanks all


Über Member
South London
Once you get going it'll be alright. You'll lose that 4 stone in no time.
Good for you mate, I started back after seven years off the bike in August, dropped over 20lbs feel as fit as a fiddle and am as miserable as sin if I can't fit at least 10 miles in a day on my day's off!
Welcome to the site as well, you will get lots of encouragement, I have.:thumbsup:


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I'm only 30......:training:

30 is when you make the choice in your life. Are you going to become a fat slob, thinking of what you could do when you were younger, and then giving yourself a risk of a heart attack before you retire, or getting shocked by hearing a friend at school going through this before they reach 45, or are you going to concentrate on fitness, put some effort in, and find yourself faster and fitter than you have ever been? In your 20's, you can pretty do much what you like with little training, and not put much weight on no matter what you eat. In your 30's this changes. Beer bellies start to appear, and you'll find yourself out of breath and having to stop more often. Running for the bus will become too much effort, and hill climbing will leave you in poor condition and regretting trying. Unless you take action.

Now is the time to make that choice.

Is this a good enough reason?


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30 is when you make the choice in your life. Are you going to become a fat slob, thinking of what you could do when you were younger, and then giving yourself a risk of a heart attack before you retire, or getting shocked by hearing a friend at school going through this before they reach 45, or are you going to concentrate on fitness, put some effort in, and find yourself faster and fitter than you have ever been. In your 20's, you can pretty do much what you like with little training, and not put much weight on no matter what you eat. In your 30's this changes. Beer bellies start to appear, and you'll find yourself out of breath and having to stop more often. Running for the bus will become too much effort, and hill climbing will leave you in poor condition and regretting trying. Unless you take action.

Now is the time to make that choice.

Is this a good enough reason?
Thanks for describing the last couple of years of my life! I'm 32 now, as i'm posting on this forum, you should be able to see the choice i made!


Careful with that axle Eugene
Welcome to the forum Gregg.
It can be a bit daunting, starting again, especially when your ride is because you have to, not because you want to, i.e. going to work. Then you've got those cold, dark mornings....
On the other hand, now you've spilt the beans to all of us, you've got to do it or let the side down!;)
Stick with it, and when you get the fitness back you'll feel a real buzz.
We'll all be watching and waiting for the progress reports!
Hi there Gregg.

You've picked one of the harder times of the year to re-start and as you say you have also put weight on. you need to take both of those things into account and be realsitic at the start. you are not going to manage that 26miles 5 days a week to start off with and personally I used to find working full time and doing 15 miles a day 6 days a week (as well as swimming 1,000m at lunchtime 5 days a week) was more than enough. Start slowly and be realistic and also talk to your doctor - take their advice on board. If you body is telling you no in the morning, accept it and don't push it too hard. IME the 30's is when things start to catch up with you - things like high blood pressure and the other such nicities that the body can throw at you. I will be leaving the 30's at the end of this year... It's been the hardest decade of my life, from a medical point of view despite being very fit & 'healthy' and I went off to cycle around the world during my 30's.

take it easy at first & enjoy it. As for early morning starts - we all find ways of managing. Mine was to watch for wildlife and listen to music - the first half of my commute being across an MOD training area: I used to take great delight in cycling up to and scaring the daylights out of soliders who were meant to be on sentry and were dosing away quite happily whilst no-one could see them and calling out "morning" to them!

Find something that can occupy you for those first few miles whilst you get warm and you are sorted.
Enjoy and welcome.


Hi, maybe it's the weather. I slid off twice this week also feel miserable when I can't get out and ride.
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