Getting going again!

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30 is when you make the choice in your life. Are you going to become a fat slob, thinking of what you could do when you were younger, and then giving yourself a risk of a heart attack before you retire, or getting shocked by hearing a friend at school going through this before they reach 45, or are you going to concentrate on fitness, put some effort in, and find yourself faster and fitter than you have ever been? In your 20's, you can pretty do much what you like with little training, and not put much weight on no matter what you eat. In your 30's this changes. Beer bellies start to appear, and you'll find yourself out of breath and having to stop more often. Running for the bus will become too much effort, and hill climbing will leave you in poor condition and regretting trying. Unless you take action.

Now is the time to make that choice.

Is this a good enough reason?

This! I left it till a few years passed 30 and until I started upping the amount I was cycling I was growing bigger boobs than the missus!
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