Hamstring Injury

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Senior Member
Upminster, Essex
Hi all,

I carried on training with tight hamstrings which manifested into sever pain during a jog at the weekend. (Why do these things happen when you're farthest from home?)
Its now a lot better but I can still feel some discomfort mainly when stretching and walking after sitting at my desk for a prolonged period.

I've written this week off for anything other than a couple of swims. Does anyone have any tips for speeding up recovery, can light training be done, is it worth visiting a sports therapist or masseur?



Active Member
I would recommend seeing a private physio before you engage in any activity which may exacerbate your current problem, I have a similar issue myself. What I thought was a hamstring issue is apparently being caused by a loss of control of my pelvis....

It's a shame nobody replied to this thread, I have only just stumbled upon it after using the search function.
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