Harry and Meghan

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Of all the people I had pegged to start a thread on those two, you weren't one of them!

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Jolly good.


Well-Known Member


Tbf as much I am a fervent republican and believe we would be much better off without the whole royal family (they can keep their heads, i will admit that in this day & age they are way too benign for the guillotine), I'm quite pleased to see some diversity in the family. Also quite like the fact it will rub up any flag waving, royal family loving racists (I'm not claiming all royalists are racists btw) up the wrong way.


Legendary Member
At least she’s not a Made in Chelsea type unlike some of his previous

Indeed, sounds a sensible woman, a UN advocate for women’s rights
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