Health problem after ride

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I have just taken up cycling at the age of 59. I am not very fit so have started off with short rides of 6 miles. It's very hilly where I live so even a short ride can be demanding and some of the hills I have to get off and push.
A couple of weeks ago I returned from my ride and felt the same as I had done previously and expected to recover fully in 10 minutes or so. Unfortunately for the next two hours whilst sitting watching TV my heart rate was elevated at around 90 and my breathing was a little laboured. When I stood up I blacked out and fell, banging my head. Ambulance was called and I spent 5 hours in A and E. The results of the many tests which were done showed my blood pressure was a bit low, ECG's (7 of them) were all OK, Oxygen levels and sugar levels were normal. Chest X-Ray was clear. I was released and all night my heart rate stayed around 90. The following day it gradually returned to normal (around 55 resting).
Since then I have not felt right. Slight headache most of the time with a slight light-headedness. These symptoms get worse after eating. I have monitored my blood pressure and it does drop slightly after eating but not low enough to cause problems. A blood test which I had last week was OK although I don't know exactly what they looked for.
So I either did something on that ride which has adversely affected me or I had an existing problem that I was not aware of.
I had done that ride 4 times before without incident the only difference being that I had eaten my tea about 45 minutes before going out. I do suffer from acid reflux due to a hiatus hernia but was up on my medication.
I'm seeing my doctor next week so see where we go from here.
Has anyone experienced anything like this or heard of this sort of thing?
Hopefully the cause will be found and it will be treatable otherwise I may have a bike for sale.:sad:
Thanks for listening.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Wait for a professional opinion. All you'll get here is guessing and "I had something like that once, turned out my pickles were out of date"


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I coughed nearly continuously for 3 weeks, so hard that eventually I pulled a muscle in my back. I saw a doctor and he said that I had a chest infection, and just gave me an anti-inflammatory drug for the pain. I nearly died a couple of weeks later ...

I would have been rather grateful if somebody on CycleChat had come up with a few helpful suggestions before that point!

But yes, first choice is to see a doctor, and second choice is to see a second doctor if not happy with the first one, only don't put it off as long as I did.

Incidentally, I remember reading something about problems caused by acid reflux when researching my own illness. I'll see if I can find the article for you.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Im sorry about what happened to you Colin, but in all honesty, it would not and is not a good idea for people to try to be armchair Doctors, and more importantly for someone to take that kind of advice from people who would have no idea what is wrong with someone else. True, some doctors are rubbish and need to be dealt with, but that is another matter, but no one can or should advise anyone else on a medical conditon.

what if the wrong advise was given, and someone was seriously effected by it, even tragically? No one should ask for medical advise on a forum in my opinion. Go to your Dr and as you say, if your not happy, go see another Dr. Good luck to everyone who are having problems medically.:thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I said to see a doctor, and then I said see a second doctor if necessary.

What I am saying is that if somebody on CC had suggested that I hurry up and see a second doctor because what I had sounded like DVT/PE, it would have been helpful, and I would have sought help sooner. Anyway, that was just an illustration of what can happen.

Dave has already had tests done but it doesn't sound like any of the doctors have picked up on the acid reflux thing yet. Dave is seeing his doctor next week. If the doctor has some answers fine. If not, then Dave can bring up the possible connection with acid reflux.

I would never tell anybody not to worry about some potentially serious condition. OTOH - telling someone who may have a serious condition to get it checked out ASAP is good advice.


Thanks for the replies. I saw the doctor on Wednesday and it seems that even though the receptionist told me over the phone that my blood test was clear it actually wasn't. I have a high white cell count indicating a possible virus and also have a low B12 level. Doc said strenuous exercise when fighting a virus could lead to the symptoms I had. Low B12 levels would contribute to lack of energy. I'm certainly glad that they've found something to work on.
Glad that you seem to be sorted out now.

Once your heart beat is stable again AND your doctor says it's OK, get back on your bike and ride at a leisurely pace and spin instead of grind (that is to say, stay in a low to middle gear).

Once your strength and stamina improve (and hopefully your health, too) then you can up the tempo, but listen to your body. Also make sure you are well nourished and hydrated, and don't eat too much just prior to a ride.

Good luck.
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