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Legendary Member
[QUOTE 3774012, member: 259"]39 degrees C here, and its was quite hard work getting home. I got passed on a hill I was sweating up by young bloke in a shirt and jacket, but he turned round and said, "don't worry, it's an ebike!". I might have to look into one of those things. :rolleyes:

The dog is refusing to some out of the cellar![/QUOTE]
France presumably?


Showing 32c in my garden, very humid, I did the same as I did yesterday, a 40 mjile round trip along the canal to Skipton and back, both afternoons spent lazing and boozing.


Midlands UK
I work in an air conditioned office, lovely, the shop floor was horrible so more fans have been purchased. I am surprised nobody passed out it was so bad. It takes me about 20 mins to walk home, the first thing I did was have a cool shower, after about 20 mins I felt as though I hadn't been anywhere near water. The air is so thick and heavy it is difficult to move around.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
[QUOTE 3774161, member: 259"]Belgium, but well in from the sea, so much the same as most of Northern France.[/QUOTE]
I'm near Arras, and it's blinding today! Got another whole day of it tomorrow. I can't see me getting the Brommie out if the car. Drive home Friday midday could be interesting .... No aircon :-/


Leg End Member
Be fun when it gets warm though.
I advocate the van Rental method. Up at silly o`clock, ride whilst it's relatively cool, rest of the day to sleep, imbibe strong liquor and generally fester!
I will admit that this regime is only really practical if you're retired!!



Legendary Member
[QUOTE 3774161, member: 259"]Belgium, but well in from the sea, so much the same as most of Northern France.[/QUOTE]
Got some friends in France at the moment and its 40c where they are. Scorching!!
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