Hello everyone - Newby Fat Bloke

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New Member
Hello, just a quick introduction.

I started commuting to work(20 mile round trip) back in Sep 2007. I started on an Electric Powabyke - I wouldn't have made it on a normal bike!. After 6 months I felt a bit fitter and bought a Ridgeback touring bike back in March.

I'm finding it fairly hard work, but its very rewarding.

It's great to find a good cycle forum.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Hello and welcome.
That's a fair commute. It is hard work, but it does get easier. Then you will really notice the weight come off. I am now doing a 26 mile round trip every day. No way I could have managed that a couple of years back. 2 stone in weight lost in the past year, and feel so much healthier.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Welcome, gkilner, 20 miles is a fair commute, especially if there is a head wind on one of the trips. we all moan about it at times but wouldn't want to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Yeah, welcome gavin, and good on yer. Just goes to show what anyone can achieve, if they start off the right way...


Über Member
Plough Lane
Welcome to the blubber club :smile:

BTW - I'm called Slim the way some bald people are called Curly and short people called stretch.


New Member
Hello and welcome gkilner...scary avatar;) You'll love it here...we're all a mad as a box of frogs.:smile:.
20 mile round trip commute, good work, in no time at all you'll be signing up for Sportives and suchlike.


Hello from another Leeds Cyclechatter.If you fancy some easy riding in and around Leeds we are the people.Nothing too hard.Good local rides around Eccup reservoir tarmac hard part Just King Lane if you are not that fit.Plenty of cafe stops.Otley is a fave.If you fancy some help.send me a message.I am based in Meanwood-Moortown area.


New Member
Hey there!

I'm trying to put on weight, I think they research some sort of transfer thing....hmm...

Looking forward to talking with you in the forums =]


New Member
postman said:
Hello from another Leeds Cyclechatter.If you fancy some easy riding in and around Leeds we are the people.Nothing too hard.Good local rides around Eccup reservoir tarmac hard part Just King Lane if you are not that fit.Plenty of cafe stops.Otley is a fave.If you fancy some help.send me a message.I am based in Meanwood-Moortown area.

Hello, thanks for that - maybe in a month or two when I'm a bit fitter. After my daily commute I don't have a lot of energy left for rides out - I don't do any riding at the weekend - I need that time to recuperate!


Keep in touch.For me it will be school hols and my riding gets put to the end of other things now for a few weeks.
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