How about a CC cycling mag?

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York, UK
For what it's worth if you do decide to do a print mag (it's a lot of work, I should know!) give me a ring or whatever and I'd be happy to give any advice I can about any of the practicalities, as far as my experiences as a small publisher who got into it almost by accident will permit :-)

A subscription-based mag may be fairly straightforward, but I don't know how that German photo mag managed to get on the newsstands - a rich benefactor perhaps? Or rich camera companies as advertisers/sponsors? Every time I've looked into it, it seems to basically require lots of money up front :-(.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Auntie Helen said:
"Dear Bonj,

When I got my bike out of the shed, I realised the mudguard had fallen off. My husband won't let me ride without it as I'll get a dirty back, but you said I don't need it. Husband threatens to divorce me if I don't refit mudguard. What should I do?"

Marry Bonj instead?


Anyway, this mag....

No, I really must get back to work...:biggrin:


York, UK
Actually i just googled it:

Brief translation:

- they sold 2000 subscriptions IN ADVANCE
- Print run 28,000, retail price 7.80 Euros (about £6, same as Velo Vision incidentally)
- It's a quarterly
- They use a distribution company for retail sales
- about 100 pages
- fotocommunity has around 800,000 members
- they did a survey of forum members and around 3/4 said they would like such a mag

Sounds like they just have the numbers they need to make it work. How many does CycleChat have, roughly?
Nothing wrong with say a quarterly digest as a supplement to maybe.

Sift out some fun stories like Rigid R's balloon escapade. If not now - then def.later :smile:

HlaB's 'rides' through the highlands...mine through Neasditz :ohmy: - all sorts of nice info within this site which is 'buried'.

Come on Arch - you're the ologist...get digging! :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, it maybe wouldn't do any harm for anyone who feels they have something to write (as an article as opposed to a post), to think about it now, maybe do a draft, to be ready. Um, is that treading on the blog's toes? (Does a blog have toes?)

I like the idea of a digest - with some added content, otherwise it's just a paper copy of the forum.

Shall we serialise Tea?:ohmy:

Regular content could be stuff like 'letters (maybe like Photo Gallery stuff), Q and A, maybe an editorial piece, a regular funny column. Plus a 'how to' bit each time, for mechanic stuff?


I like the idea. I think you'd need to be careful not to make it just an extension of CC though and should try to appeal to, or target, a broader audience. The mag would need a personality (if I can put it like that!) of its own.

Arch said:
Shall we serialise Tea?:biggrin:

PS I know you were only joking Arch!
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