How much difference does a good set of tyres make?

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New Member
I like to do a road "time trial" on a 10 mile route I have mapped out on a saturday morning. I bought an oldish 12 speeder which is racing clearance and runs some old araya wheels with some well old chen shing 23mm tyres.
I was just wondering how much (if any) benefit there is in terms of buying some better quality tyres? Michelin Pro 3's for example. Alternatively what about some sprint rims and tubs? I was thinking in terms of rolling resistance and speed mainly rather than outright durability.



Senior hunter
There's probably no single thing that will improver performance than good tyres. This doesn't mean that narrower, higher pressure is the answer.

The performance of a tyre is influenced more by the suppleness of the casing and tread (or lack thereof).

What size are those rims -- 27"? If so, you don't have much choice in performance tyres for those and you'll make gains more elsewhere on the bike mech.

I wouldn't bother spending money on tubulars for an old 12 sp. Many of today's clinchers are indistinguishable, esp. to the recreational rider, from tubs.


New Member
Why not turn up at a 'proper" time trial? Should be people there who can see what you've got and give you good advice on what to do with it.
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