I have a sudden and strange urge to buy one of these...

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
...apart from the fact that all my savings are now worth sweet FA, I've a sudden urge to buy one of these scooters...


It's an Indian built Vespa.
I thought the Orange looks fun, cheapish to buy and naff-all to run, how much innocent fun could it be? Running Mrs FF into Oxford on an early-morning Cappucino run... La Dolce Vita revisited!

There are race-kits to add as well!

With hindsight, I should have negotiated this when we went from 2 cars to 1 7-seater, but hey-ho, it's nice to dream.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester

I'll FCN4 ya...........


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Or easy lookup........

FCN Starting Points

  • 1. Scooters
  • 2. Roadies with shaved legs - like girls
  • 3. Proper rapid Single speed (real men, messengers, tarty shiny fixies)
  • 4. Roadies with hairy legs - like men
  • 5. Faux Single Speeds (fakengers, dirty/functional bikes, silly egg beater gear)
  • 6. Touring Bikes (Mud Guards)
  • 7. "Fast Hybrids"
  • 8. MTBs on Skinnies
  • 9. MTBs on Nobbies
  • 10. Bromptons / collapsing bikes
  • 11. MTB full sus on Nobbies
  • 12. Shoppers
  • 13. Shoppers with wicker baskets
  • 14. Electric bikes
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
fossyant said:
PS Nice Scooter.....
Ahh, that I understand... yeah cute, why I suddenly crave one I don't understand.

That FCN stuff, I just don't get xx(... I'm off to the pub now, I'll see if it makes sense on my return :tongue:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Neither do I - it's all the London Commuters talk about on BR.....I'd kick the lot's ass...on my MTB...grr us Northerners are 'ard as tarmac.......

Mr Pig

New Member
They'll be rubbish!

We have a Chinese copy of a Japanese printing machine. Costs half the price and there's a reason for that!
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Mr Pig said:
They'll be rubbish!


On the contrary, it seems since LML obtained the rights they are actually better than the Vespa specification they were building.

dave5N is correct... but Mrs FF doesn't always agree...


Fab, buy the real deal, there are still plenty about. I am going to buy another from Spain (Spring/Summer) where prices are a fair bit lower, the Madrid Vespa's have an excellent reputation. If you want a link pm me.

Mine, bought last year for £1200, fully functional:smile:

I didn't like the silver wheels, so another £1200 and 6 months later I have this....:sad:

I am in too far to stop now, a beautiful, like new, bright orange scooter should make it's appearance in March.........hopefully.
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