I nearly ran over two cyclists today, and they'd have deserved it if it had happened....

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Legendary Member
Some years ago I met a Ninja BMXer coming the wrong way around an overgrown roundabout, so I couldn't see him over the top of the shrubbery, at night. Quite how I missed him I'll never know, although I'm glad I did.
Indeed, may have dented the car!
Maybe, just maybe he was French. The day I have had with French people I would say he probably did not "deserve" it, but a few bruises would have helped him think;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The prats on bikes may be stupid but the "deserved" it bit in the title suggests that death is an appropriate punishment for acts of stupidity?

Well, if it happened more often, there might be less stupidity in the gene pool....

People acting like complete idiots seem to have some sort of aura of luck, because they seem to be killed, or even injured, remarkably infrequently. Alas. And yet, careful cyclists get wiped out.

NT and I saw a chap cycle on an MTB down a railway platform today (having come along the ballast alongside the track under the bridge), off down the ramp at the end, along the ballast a bit, cross the line, and ride back up the other side, onto the other platform. What the hell did he think he was doing? Putting aside the fact that it didn't get him anywhere that the road bridge wouldn't have, there was a train due (overdue, in fact, if it had come on time, he'd still have been crossing the tracks when it pulled in). But of course he's gone home safe and sound, and there'll probably be no comeback. For Darwin to work, that chap should be spread liberally over the tracks.... Although that would have delayed our train, which would be annoying.


MEKK Poggio 3.5 & Merida Cyclocross 3
From what I have read during this topic, it seems that many of the folks here are right up their own arse! especially User13710 geezer, seems that cyclists can do no wrong and its always the fault of the driver. Wake up and smell the coffee, many accidents are caused by cyclists and not just by car, van, bus, truck drivers. At least drivers have to pass a test to be let loose on the roads, there are the minority of bad drivers who let the side down but shoot happens!
Every day you see cyclists jumping red lights, weaving through traffic dangerously, riding without lights etc and then have the nerve to blame everyone but themselves when they have a close shave or heaven forbid are involved in a collision.
I'm a cyclist and enjoy it very much but what really gets my goat is the fact everyone blames the driver no matter what the circumstances are. The 2 guys in question in the original post would have no one to blame but themselves if they were involved in a collision.
Lets get our own house in order before blaming others, there is plenty room for all road users as long as we abide by the law.
(Edited) ....
Lets get our own house in order before blaming others, there is plenty room for all road users as long as we abide by the law.

I feel no obligation to get my own house in order in this regard or others.

I do not feel responsible for the behaviour of other cyclists, any more than I do for other motorists.

I'm not sure why the idea is put about that there is a house to be put in order, or why such an action is considered prerequisite to other actions.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I feel no obligation to get my own house in order in this regard or others.

I do not feel responsible for the behaviour of other cyclists, any more than I do for other motorists.

I'm not sure why the idea is put about that there is a house to be put in order, or why such an action is considered prerequisite to other actions.

This ^ ^ ^ ^ times 100. I don't get this "giving other cyclists a bad name" either. Do you feel ashamed to be a human being every time another one does something wrong?


Über Member
OP....all your fault for taking the car. Shame on you. :whistle:

I know, how dare I use a car after spending a grand on learning to drive (!) ;) I wouldn't mind - it isn't even my bloody car!

Regardless of the opinions in this thread we are all entitled to them. I disagree with those who say cyclists can do no wrong as that automatically puts the blame on me (when I did bugger all wrong).

If somebody drove at you in a car if you were on bike, would it be your fault for being on a bike or the driver for being a moron?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
This ^ ^ ^ ^ times 100. I don't get this "giving other cyclists a bad name" either. Do you feel ashamed to be a human being every time another one does something wrong?

I don't think the two are the same. I'm not ashamed of bad cyclists, but I'm aware that the behaviour of some affects the general perception of cyclists.

Plenty of people, as soon as cycling is mentioned, bang on about jumping red lights - so those who do it do give us a bad name. I don't do it and people who do annoy me, but I'm not ashamed to be a cyclist because of them.
I don't think the two are the same. I'm not ashamed of bad cyclists, but I'm aware that the behaviour of some affects the general perception of cyclists.

Plenty of people, as soon as cycling is mentioned, bang on about jumping red lights - so those who do it do give us a bad name. I don't do it and people who do annoy me, but I'm not ashamed to be a cyclist because of them.
Hey there Elmer, I 100% agree with you, there are bad drivers, mediocre drivers and good drivers. There are bad cyclists, mediocre cyclists and good cyclists. I would imagine that most of use have been all of those at some point in our lives.
I feel no obligation to get my own house in order in this regard or others.

I do not feel responsible for the behaviour of other cyclists, any more than I do for other motorists.

I'm not sure why the idea is put about that there is a house to be put in order, or why such an action is considered prerequisite to other actions.

Sorry, I've just realised that my exhortation to get our own house in order was completely at odds with my earlier post (quoted above).

I do apologise most sincerely for any disquiet this inconsistent line may have caused.
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