I need advice for riding on road

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Sorry OP if I’m wrong but this post reads to me as a person who wants to share his feelings about cyclists. The OP is not looking for advice. Consequently, I will not respond to your questions.

What do you mean?
I have a bicycle, I ride in village usually ~10 km, the other day did 20 km (a lot of uphill), low traffic.
It was a completely serious question.


Legendary Member
What do you mean?
I have a bicycle, I ride in village usually ~10 km, the other day did 20 km (a lot of uphill), low traffic.
It was a completely serious question.

So you're not in the US if measuring in km? What country, somewhere in Europe?


Have a read of this to get some idea of what's required from you.

Are you still planning on riding off-road trails?

Yeah I have been doing that, usually 10 km, recently 20 km, a lot of uphill.
Thanks for the link.

Interstates, motorways, dual-carriageways etc are usually avoided by even the hardiest of riders (me included) due to the volume and speed of traffic and the increased risks and chances of becoming a fatality should an accident occur.

Ok I did not know that. So I should not do Interstates, motorways, dual-carriageways. thanks for the advice.

It looks like the overwhelming consensus is that I should not do it. Thanks for the advice, kind of changed my mind. I will probably not do it.

I don't have a lot of road experience so I don't have an intuition on what is safe. I thought it was dangerous but also thought I was being a coward. I guess it is objectively not a good idea.


Why on earth do you need to look every 15 seconds? Are you deaf?
You need to look when doing a manoeuvre mostly, not if riding in a straight line.
Are you a teenager? If so, it would be safer if you just ride with an adult or not at all on major roads

Ok so just listen to the cars. fair enough.
My helmet does make some noise though, when I am riding, with air passing through. is that normal?
I am not a teenager.


By the way, forgot to mention, the route is ~80 KM, 1000 altitude to about 400, so some downhill.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Interstates, motorways, dual-carriageways etc are usually avoided by even the hardiest of riders (me included) due to the volume and speed of traffic and the increased risks and chances of becoming a fatality should an accident occur.

Ok I did not know that. So I should not do Interstates, motorways, dual-carriageways. thanks for the advice.

In the UK, cyclists are prohibited from Motorways and some classes of dual-carriageways. There are other dual-carriageways where we are allowed to ride but these can sometimes be Motorways in all but name and it would take someone incredibly foolish or stupid to risk riding on them (but they sometimes do!).

Experienced riders will normally seek alternative routes using quieter back roads, and while this can sometimes involve more distance or climbing the experience is much more relaxing and enjoyable without the ever present fear of getting squished by an inattentive driver travelling at high speed.

Get the map out and see what you can find, you often make great discoveries once you leave the main roads behind and see things usually missed in the direct A-B car journey world.

If you want to post some Google markers for where you are travelling from/to (obviously don't give EXACT location) perhaps some of the forum users will look at the maps and make some routing suggestions you might not have considered?


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone local to you offering cycling tuition?
Or any cycling courses on offer which include a good element of road cycling tuition?

There is usually no better option than a local, experienced and responsible cyclist who can not only help you make sure you are riding safely, but also share some routes with you that will be useful for the journeys you plan to take.

Failing that, are there any books or guides written by people in Georgia?

I don't have enough knowledge about cycling outside of the UK to competently guide someone else, sorry.
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