I remember when motor cars were simple to fix.

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Lot of the local taxi (private hire) drivers seem to have Prius now. I asked one of them and it was 'cheap to run. Reliable.' A fair few used to have Protons, but that was apparently because the local Police ran them, quite often into other things, so used spares were plentiful.

There was a spate of catalysts being nicked off cars, wonder if the same thing will start to happen with hybrid/EV batteries?


Legendary Member
The sweet spot for diesels was between the very late 90's and mid 00's


We had a good range of pool cars to use in the 90s, and they leapt in quality and suddenly exploded into life. At about the same time we had a Ford Orion diesel, I suspect it was non turbo. THE worst diesel I ever drove, incredibly noisy, It was like driving via a rubber band, accelerate, nothing happens the it slowly slowly took off. Foot off the accelerator....and it seemed to keep going then after an eternity, then it'd slow down. We also had a Fiat Tempera estate TD, a very unassuming car... but bogger, it went like the clappers compared to most of the stuff I'd driven. Then a Citroen ZX Volcane TD, jeez that thing was fast. Diesels certainly got my sttention at that time..


That's what I call a quote.

It was going really well until this happened..


Looked at the datalogging afterwards, no knock and afr was spot on, rods just let go!.


As for Diesels, our Kuga Powershift does quite well, handles the caravan without complaint.

The manual Hilux I did my trailer test in was very pokey as well, could set off with no throttle just carefull clutch control with the 1.5 tonne trailer on the back.


I'm no expert, but at a guess, I'd say that's borked

Yep, I had the JB weld ready but decided it was too far gone..


This was the straw that broke the camels back, I'd been suffering from clutch slip (which had saved the rods it seems!).

Fitted an OS Giken R3C rated at 1000ftlb+ capacity (mines the Green high clamp) pressure plate.

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