I saw an eyesore...

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Hang on, hang on...let's have some parity here.
He calls me a bitch. I call him old...I think I'm allowed, in fact, at least one more insult in return for what he called me ;)
Tim Bennet. said:
Yes I'm sorry, it was a bit over the top.

It's just the 'women pointing and laughing thing' touched a raw nerve.

Blimey sorry. I was talking about pointing and laughing at ridiculously souped up cars. My husband does it too, so it's not got anything to do with my gender. The fact that I'm a woman is merely co-incidental with this one.

Sorry you had a bad pointy laughy experience, whatever it was.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Yes I understand now and apologise once again.

As for the other 'experience' - well I've had a bit of luck there recently. Would you know it, but only the other day, I got an email from a nice person who says she has a product that will solve everything. It came right out of the blue. That's certainly what I call targeted marketing!

Now, where's my credit card....

Aint Skeered

New Member
I came across an Esssex lad who had just had a nasty crash, he was covered in blood.
I was attending to his injuries, asking various questions, and asked where he was bleading from. He replied "Romford,":biggrin:

Back to the subject in hand, live how you wanna live, I agree with Big Bren
I am sure we cyclists, especially those recumbent thingy's look a bit bizarre to Jo/Jolene Public
Bigtallfatbloke said:
No...but I do speak to Essex girls;);)
Old Chinese proverb - "Man with piccolo make small noise in Albert Hall"


Lefire said:
I find I can't drive that fast while wearing my white stilettos...well, not while putting my lippy on too.

what part of Essex are you in ChrisKH ?

Benfleet. Bit too close to the rough parts tbh. Often thought about moving North/ North East (of Essex, couldn't see myself in Durham.......). Now my parents have gone, that's probably my next move.
Aint Skeered said:
I came across an Esssex lad who had just had a nasty crash, he was covered in blood.
I was attending to his injuries, asking various questions, and asked where he was bleading from. He replied "Romford,":biggrin:

I'm bleeding from Brentwood; it used to be quite a pleasant town, but the high street's now full of crappy pubs that attract all the chavs from miles around.
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