I want to do a cycle tour!

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A Velocipedian
One though and please don't think I am trying to put you off in any way. -

Some camp-sites have rules about the min age of people admitted and also some do not like groups (2 may be OK) of same sex. That said many of my earliest memories of camping had nothing to do with camp-sites :smile:


crappy member
South West
One though and please don't think I am trying to put you off in any way. -

Some camp-sites have rules about the min age of people admitted and also some do not like groups (2 may be OK) of same sex. That said many of my earliest memories of camping had nothing to do with camp-sites :smile:

Yes, what is this no same-sex rule at campsites? Sounds rather homophobic to me rather than a way of avoiding drunken trouble!


Senior Member
hey Good for you Alex,

Definitely go for it!

Plan small and think big.

Go for a few short weekend tours like the others have mentioned... plan them carefully, act responsibly (at least on the surface) and if you didn't get into too much trouble, next time you'll be able to go for a week (half term?) then by the time you are at uni you can use the 3 month holidays for tours around europe, already having a good idea of what's involved...Then the world?

I heard a story of how a millionaire started his first business. As soon as he was old enough, 16 or so, he took out a small loan from the bank of 300 pounds. He didn't buy anything with it. just paid it back in instalments plus the interest. Then he took out a loan for 1000 pounds and did the same. then for 7000. He just put the money in his account and paid the instalments without fail.
After he graduated he asked the bank for 20,000 to start a burger van business. Because he had not missed a payment of the previous loans he had an excellent credit score (better than if he had never taken a loan) and they were happy to lend him the money.

I'm telling you this story to illustrate that trust is something you can build up over time but if you just ask for too much all at once... (you know what the answer will be). The same goes for experience at travel, cycle maintenance, etc... You sound like you've got your head switched on and if you have a bit of determination there is nothing that you can't achieve.

PS. Here's an idea. Start a savings account now and label it (Round the World Bike Ride) put in a little bit each month. While your mates are pouring their money into computer games/beers/cars/cigarettes/etc you'll be heading off for.


Active Member
hey Good for you Alex,

Definitely go for it!

Plan small and think big.

Go for a few short weekend tours like the others have mentioned... plan them carefully, act responsibly (at least on the surface) and if you didn't get into too much trouble, next time you'll be able to go for a week (half term?) then by the time you are at uni you can use the 3 month holidays for tours around europe, already having a good idea of what's involved...Then the world?

I heard a story of how a millionaire started his first business. As soon as he was old enough, 16 or so, he took out a small loan from the bank of 300 pounds. He didn't buy anything with it. just paid it back in instalments plus the interest. Then he took out a loan for 1000 pounds and did the same. then for 7000. He just put the money in his account and paid the instalments without fail.
After he graduated he asked the bank for 20,000 to start a burger van business. Because he had not missed a payment of the previous loans he had an excellent credit score (better than if he had never taken a loan) and they were happy to lend him the money.

I'm telling you this story to illustrate that trust is something you can build up over time but if you just ask for too much all at once... (you know what the answer will be). The same goes for experience at travel, cycle maintenance, etc... You sound like you've got your head switched on and if you have a bit of determination there is nothing that you can't achieve.

PS. Here's an idea. Start a savings account now and label it (Round the World Bike Ride) put in a little bit each month. While your mates are pouring their money into computer games/beers/cars/cigarettes/etc you'll be heading off for.

Great idea, good story about the business man.
I'd love to, when I am older, go on tours all over Europe etc, but not sure I would go round the world, but I would still create a savings account for bicycle trips, parts that kinda thing... Maybe a bicycle fund?

How much were you thinking each month?


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I would ring ahead to a campsite rather than turn up due to your ages(unless you look older) or get your parents to ring the campsite and sort it for you. Parents and campsite owners may feel more secure then.

I am about 40 years older than U but still get excited by doing short camping tours.

Good Luck with the tour and the bike build.


Active Member
Thanks guys :biggrin:

Eventually I wanna do Lands End to John o Groats, but camping : unsupported!

Love the idea, as I love camping and I love cycling so both combined is sweeeet as!!!


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Yes, what is this no same-sex rule at campsites? Sounds rather homophobic to me rather than a way of avoiding drunken trouble!

It's far from homophobic. I'd have hated to be a peace loving family at the campsites that used to accommodate the all male groups that I used to go camping with in my youth. We were loud, rowdy and up until dawn.

Perhaps we have become less tolerant of noise and rowdy behaviour.

Having said that, only three years ago, a mixed sex group of colleagues and I were threatened with eviction from a camp site by its owner who told us to grow up. We hadn't the heart to tell him we were teachers and as such we were grown up.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Not sure being a teacher means you are neccessarilly grown up. Having a bit of consideration for people around you is probably a better indication.


Senior Member
Great idea, good story about the business man.
I'd love to, when I am older, go on tours all over Europe etc, but not sure I would go round the world, but I would still create a savings account for bicycle trips, parts that kinda thing... Maybe a bicycle fund?

How much were you thinking each month?

10% of whatever you earn maybe. whatever you can afford really, little and often is the key. just adding a little at a time soon builds up...hopefully interest rates might go up one day! It'll be fun because every time you put money in you'll know that it means travel somewhere fun...


Active Member
yeh its a really good idea! :biggrin:

It would only be my mate and me so only 2 in a tent, so shouldn't be any problems? And we would get some decent sleep because we would want to be fresh for the cycling in the morning ;]


Active Member
I have got an account and i think I am going to start doing that straight away! great idea.

Any tips for cycle touring?


Senior Member
Loads of handy tips on this website - travelling two. I'd also reccomend reading some books - check out the "travel writing" section in your local Waterstones and you'll find some by cyclists for sure.

Or if you want to order on amazon, check out these books.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Richard and Nicholas Crane ~ Eccentric cousins race to the pole of inaccessibility. Across the Himalayas on racing bikes.

Full Tilt by Delvra Murphy ~ In the early sixties, Irish lass Delvra and her bike Roz set off to India via, Persia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and meet colourful characters on the way.

Wind in my Wheels by Josie Dew ~ Cycling tales written with fun and enthusiasm.

Moods of Future Joy and Thunder and Sunshine by Alastair Humphreys ~ Al's 4 year round the world bike trip makes for a good read.

The Hungry Cyclist by Tom Kevill-Davies ~ A two and a half year ride from NY to Rio seeking out local recipes. His book is funny, self deprecating and highly enjoyable.

Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook by Stephen Lord ~ Packed full of useful information.
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