Ignorance, as an excuse

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Going home yesterday a woman in a Polo comes sailing through a junction without looking despite the road markings and a sign saying "Give Way"! It makes me wonder how many people these days have passed a driving test?


New Member
Noodley said:
It used to be when you had some original ideas and a bit of bohemia about you. Now you resort to standard drivel. I'm a bit disappointed. Maybe I had expectations higher than your abilities? Maybe I interpreted your earlier posts incorrectly and you are actually a complete tool instead of a visionary?

We can all be tools sometimes noodley - I have the vision to understand that. We are all delicate influencable souls buffeted on the cosmic chaos of the universe. I am like alien jesus and offer the other cheek.

Anyway, re-read the posts - I was talking sense and then gavin, one of the more, ahem, witty and vibrant posters came on and had a pop. I could have made him look like a fool but I responded with good humour.

If you are ganging up on me with him because you are scottish then I'll get you both kicked off for racism.


Abitrary said:
If you are ganging up on me with him because you are scottish then I'll get you both kicked off for racism.

Abbers, your standard and rather boring response to us Scottish posters is to allege drunkeness. Maybe I could see it as amusing if I had been 12 and it was the first time it had been stereotyped. I previously had you marked down as a worthwhile sort, even when you were at your worst. Try to vary it a bit.

You rely too strongly on AA Gill. Chill out, be yourself, have some vision of life.


New Member
Noodley said:
Abbers, your standard and rather boring response to us Scottish posters is to allege drunkeness. Maybe I could see it as amusing if I had been 12 and it was the first time it had been stereotyped. I previously had you marked down as a worthwhile sort, even when you were at your worst. Try to vary it a bit.

You rely too strongly on AA Gill. Chill out, be yourself, have some vision of life.

aa gill is scottish, and an alcoholic


New Member
As another thread descends into sorrowful chaos, I drink a libation to the moon god, and beg his blessing for tomorrow's misdeeds.


Abitrary said:
As another thread descends into sorrowful chaos, I drink a libation to the moon god, and beg his blessing for tomorrow's misdeeds.

And to think it was doing so well....

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loNU4fVpO8E

Abbers, I hope you find someone.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
marinyork said:
Probably copycat tactics. The most senior bus/tram gate in Sheffield had this one run and run ages ago. Problem is motorists do genuinely seem fairly poor at recognising/spotting/understanding/willfully ignoring blue signs.

That's not surprising when you think about it as motorists represent more or less the adult population. There are loads of people who you wouldn't trust to do your photocopying who have got driving licenses. We should probably be more surprised at the % of drivers who do seem to understand what is going on.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Over The Hill said:
I would say a car driver must know signs to be granted a licence to drive but a ped or cyclist does so by right so should not be obliged to know. Othewise should a six year old kid be had up for breaking a cycling applicable sign ("dismount" etc)

A six year old child probably isn't old enough to be legally responsible for anything.

A pedestrian walking on a motorway would certainly be picked up by police if spotted, and not allowed to continue, but I'm not sure that they'd be charged unless they got mouthy or caused an obstruction.

Doesn't it come down to the difference between 'must' and 'should' in the HC. I think (just from memory, so stand to be corrected), that there aren't any 'must' rules for pedestrians, but there are some for cyclists, so it stands to reason cyclists need to be aware of the rules, in order to know what they 'must' do.


Leg End Member
bonj said:
short answer, 'no'

what marking/sign did he not understand, and what actually happened?

Road marking was a white arrow giving the direction of travel. Sign was a blue circular sign with arrow indicating direction of travel to be taken. both pointing to the right.

He just came straight across the road. I was "blind sided" by the bus that he said I kicked his car into.


I was behind a lady in a car today, who stopped in the Advanced Cycle Stop 'zone' at a junction :wacko:. I was mildly inwardly indignant :tongue:, when it occurred to me that there have been an amazing number of new road signs/lanes etc in the years since I passed my driving test.

Other than my having an interest in learning what they mean, there is no enforcaeble legal requirement/test for me to learn them.

A scary thought. :biggrin:


Lover of things that come in 3's
scoosh said:
I was behind a lady in a car today, who stopped in the Advanced Cycle Stop 'zone' at a junction :blush:. I was mildly inwardly indignant ;), when it occurred to me that there have been an amazing number of new road signs/lanes etc in the years since I passed my driving test.

Other than my having an interest in learning what they mean, there is no enforcaeble legal requirement/test for me to learn them.

A scary thought. :biggrin:

very good point Scoosh


the tank engine
me said:
Blue signs are advisory anyway.
User3143 said:
No they are not, WTF is it with some people on this site who do not know the most basic of signs and the HC. To think you have passed your driving test as well.

From the highway code "Signs with blue circles but no red border mostly give positive instruction."....
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