I'm not a snob but I draw the line at....

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Eating in the street except when on a bike - dreadfully common.

FT - no comment. :smile:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Drinking from the bottle (although it seems to be the thing to do for beer lately).
Seriously?? If you have a bottle of beer (or anything else for that matter) and no glass or cup (or straw), how else are you going to drink the bloody stuff??!! With your hands??

Swigging from water bottles (although mid way thrugh sport is OK)

Except for if you are thirsty at other times.... :rolleyes:

Can't believe nobody's mentioned Meercats or the Go Compare guy yet,

When Meerkat Manor first appeared many years back, Meerkats were cute and fun, but then the novelty soon wore off and I got bored with them, so I have despised the bloody 'Compare the Meerkat' adverts since the first appeared.

To add insult to injury, everyone seems to be in raptures over them!!

The Go Compare ones are starting to get a bit on my t*ts too now.

..also Chelsea tractors

Yes, if you don't live on a farm or on a mountain, then why do you have one ......in Surbuton?

I know what you mean...

You get people trying to be all smart who say

'No, I don't know what you mean'

Paaleeeze, STOP trying to act all stupid when what we are talking about is as plain as day. If you want to act stupid then I'll treat you as such.


Legendary Member
Wearing anything with a Union Jack on it while i'm abroad (or at home actually). Never in a million years. Sadly my brother did insist on partaking...so i had to suffer guilt by association. :thumbsdown:

Going bare chested in a food shop/supermarket while on holiday...FFS. :angry:

And i wouldnt go within a mile of that detestable thing Kerry Katona xx(

Sleeping Menace

New Member
Eating at McDonalds
Eating at Burger King
Eating at KFC
Reading a tabloid
Watching Reality TV
Wearing any clothing with a brand name, or sports team insignia visible


I know, I know. It must be the rush of fatherhood making him think he's too good for a Leffe Trippel.

In the interest of fairness, I've had 3 bottles of Leffe Tripel this evening. I've had to conclude that I was right all along and, yes, I am too good for it.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Well, I never thought block paving would slip through... but since it has, could I run this one up the flagpole.....

a reproduction Victorian lamp-post adjacent to said paving...with a low energy bulb of course...
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