I'm not a snob but I draw the line at....

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Uncle Ben's
Riser Bars

Golf can be diverting TC believe or not - try it's OK :thumbsup:

Why Tesco?

Are Sainsburys / Asda / Waitrose any better?

I fear not. They are all gradually eroding the quality of food we eat in equal measure.

People who shop at Waitrose and think there is some ethical difference - think again. A close family member is their market researcher - and they are basically incredibly preditory and want to expand Northwards and compete with the other supermarkets. They have no greater commitment to the producer than anyone else IMHO. (Despite a lot of marketing)

Uncle Ben's - I agree
Quorn - I agree
I would add any chain store opening in my town to the detriment of a local offering the same service already provided by people locally.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Eating in the street
Holidaying in Magaluf Ibiza or anysimilar
Allowing my children to ride off road motorcycles
Taking the slightest interest in "celebs"

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
or sports team insignia visible

I'm a member of my local Curling club (yes you heard that correctly), so what am I to then when playing? :biggrin::rolleyes:

Honestly, reading through some of the answers, what a bunch of anal, snobby, nancy boys!
Seriously, if anyone from outwith cycling was reading this then they would be pissing themselves laughing at you all and your pathetic preciousness.

Is it any wonder everyone else hates you when you are out on the road?? (I'm beginning to agree with them :biggrin:).
threebikesmcginty, on 11 February 2011 - 16:48:05, said:

Block paving

rich p, on 11 February 2011 - 16:55:02, said:

excellent choice, if I might say so

slowmotion, on 11 February 2011 - 23:21:44, said:

Well, I never thought block paving would slip through... but since it has, could I run this one up the flagpole.....

This post has been edited by rich p: Yesterday, 23:40:38 -

Another one of Rich's posts that are a load of blocks...


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Yeah, where did you think you were? P&L?

native son

Active Member
The old English martial art that is morris dancing.
Nothing wrong with that at all.
Are there any other participants of morris on here, brave enough to admit it.
The old English martial art that is morris dancing.
Nothing wrong with that at all.
Are there any other participants of morris on here, brave enough to admit it.

I have no problem whatsoever with morris dancing - it was an 'in-joke' reference to another thread. I support any CCers who are morris dancers and urge them to come out. They have done nothing for which they should feel ashamed. I regret writing the post and I'm sorry if it caused offence. Please accept my sincere apologies.

I'm not taking back what i said about Shi**no though.


... shopping at my local Asda

... drink keg bitter

... read tabloids

... eat at burger bars

where won't you stoop?

Is a fkin supermarket. You buy stuff there. Not much different from Waitrose except there are less snobby winkers.
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