I'm stuck here -what's your excuse

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I have one day a week off the bike and this is it. Mind you I did go shopping on the motorbike earlier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm having a lazy day. i figure if i have to get up and go to work all week i should be able to do nothing at the weekend if i want to.

i've had croissants and coffee and i'm listening to the new cds i got the other day (Grant Lee Phillips on now) and i'm just taking it easy.

i'll go shopping soon and then (if i feel like it) go cycling later, or a walk in the park, or the wetlands centre in Barnes.

there's no point forcing myself to go cycling, it's better to go if i want to. had i wanted to ride this morning i'd have got up early and made an effort, but i don't see the point as i'm not a morning person. i'm looking after myself.


Mr Phoebus

New Member
I've been waiting for postie, who should have a nice new Stronglight ring for me. ;)

As soon as he's been, I'm off pootlin' round Coleshill/Fillongley/Maxstoke, etc. :sad:


Chillin out.Kids are away at Grandparents.The wife is sorting things out we have had the builders in and some stuff is going to the charity shops.I am waiting for the Rugby League Cup Final to come on telly.Resting from a brilliant day out yesterday.My mate and i fancied riding over the Humber Bridge so off we went from Leeds by car sorry.Bikes out over the bridge into Barton on Humber ,back over the bridge Full english breakfast.Car over to Patrington out on bikes to Spurn Point out to Withernsea back to Patrington.Superb day sunny no wind and flat ,flat and more flat.Not boring at all whole distance was only 42 miles.But the scenery was beautiful.Fish and chip tea in Hornsea to finish with.


Über Member
Rode last night, have to go to a Barbecue today for daughters birthday but will be out crack of dawn Sunday morning hope its as nice.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Oddball: I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know.

Oops, wrong thread.
I'm outdoors all week; up at 4.15 Mon.-Fri. so had a lie-in this morning (until 7.30 ;)).
Surfing a bit, here a bit more, tidying up the flat after my sister and brother-in-law were here.
Going into the centre (about 5 min. walk away :sad:) soon, then back home, finish a short translation I have to do, a few pints of Guinness in my local Irish pub, and bed about 22.00 as I'm working tomorrow.


I've got a 5-year-old asleep next to me who has been hurling his guts up for the last day or so.

Shouldn't let him get so pissed then. Eeeeh, the youth of today, eh - who'd 'ave 'em. What's the world coming to. I don't know. ;)


Senior Member
It's bloody miserable up here. Couldn't motivate myself to go out with the bunch so did a miserable couple of hours on the back roads and the went to the bike shop - ostensibly to pick up my new fixie - but ended up sitting and hanging out for the whole afternoon.


New Member
I went out on my bike today! Hurrah! Spotted that strange glowing yellow ball in the sky that made the aky bright blue, so thought I'd make the most of it. Went out for a wee pootle with my cycling buddy from up the road. She & I went to a new Ye Olde Tea Shoppe where we drank gallons of tea before cycling back.

The events of life conspire to mean I'm not likely to get back on my bike until Tuesday although I am going to try to squeeze in a ride on Monday, even if it is only a short one.
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