Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Cycling is fun ...
For example, go through Fisherrow and over the footbridge at Musselburgh (the way we did on the return leg). Maps are your friends, there are too many wee roads to choose from in he triangle between Haddington - North Berwick and Dunbar, each with their own highlights.
From Dunbar, head a bit further along the A199 back in a westerly direction (not turning right onto the A198) and turn right/north at the next opportunity onto the wee road past Knowes farm shop (forgot the name), hop over the wee bridge at the ford and then twiddle your way along towards North Berwick, whichever way you fancy! You can pop out onto the main A198 near Auldhame again, for the view s of Tantallon Castle and the Bass Rock ...
From North Berwick, either head south and then west along the wee roads, or along the A198, but turn off into Dirleton. Gullane has Falko's bakery/patisserie (very nice bread (German), cakes & ice cream). :hungry:
If you are coming down the A198 from Gullane, where a few of you did your downhill sprinting past through the golf course, I'd go straight on at the bottom of the hill and head south/inland, possibly via the Hopetoun Monument (just a wee hill ;)) and then jinx your way back to join the outward route SE of Longniddry (along the wee roads where it was properly dark :ph34r: and we saw the hare :dance:and the first few bats).
The village of Port Seton (west of the caravan park) makes a nice diversion, you pop out again just E of Cockenzie Power Station - which may be no more by the time you get there, if I've understood correctly :scratch:. Just follow the NCN76 signs to find the turn-off into Port S.

Alternatively, you can head south from Dunbar/Belhaven, and find some hills ... Spott, Garvald, Gifford, the Redstone Rigg, Pishwanton Wood, Long Newton are all lovely places to visit ... recommend the cafe next to the Coop in Gifford ('Love coffee, love food'), a proper cyclists' cafe :thumbsup:.

I'm sure some other Easties will be along with other ideas soon ...



Über Member
Auld Reeker
I'd say if you're going out to do the EdFoC route then just do it... or spend the rest of your life working out permutations.
The 'busy' roads aren't that bad, I ride on them frequently of a Saturday. :thumbsup:


Cycling is fun ...
If I'm in a hurry on the way home, I'd 'do an @edindave' :thumbsup:, if I'm out to amble and enjoy myself, I'd try and find a a different permutation each time :smile:... was trying to send @Louch up a sneaky hill on the way home, you spoiled it ;)...



Without a clever title
I got back in on Tuesday night after spending an extended weekend in my soon-to-be home town of Bristol, looking for a flat (successfully! ^_^). Must say I was pretty impressed with both the levels of cycling infrastructure, and the number of cyclists, most notably the non-lycra, no-frills hybrid, no helmet variety. Of course, the brilliant sunshine would have helped bring them out...

I couldn't resist hiring a bike and doing a bit of pootling about:bicycle:, checking out the local roads and paths. Accidentally found myself on a 4 mile long narrow gravel path with no exit points and a mass participation ride going the other way, but apart from that it was pretty pleasant...

Looking forward to commuting across this:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Trust you, @Rasmus to find 2 x cat 4 climbs on exploring a new town :laugh:


Cycling is fun ...
:rolleyes: I meant, what did you think of the route in the daylight, i.e. the bits where we couldn't see beyond the beams of our lights, and also how was the weekend traffic along the A roads and the coastal road?



105% knowledge on 105
Apologies, my reply was after the consumption of alcohol lol.

Really nice route during the day, roads weren't too bad, just the usual when going the through towns that people want past you. Seconds half is much more scenic than first half to me.
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