Is bike radar really that bad?

Is bike radar really that bad????

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New Member
Is it? Really?

I think you kids have got way too much time on your hands worrying about these things so much - :blush:
It's not that bad. It's just not as good as C+ (and for all I know, MBUK and Procycling) used to be. I'm still visiting fairly regularly but I think I'll be spending more time here from now on.


New Member
I lost my name, and as a compromise I was offered soemthing other than my name.

Stinks. Absolutely stinks. If I can't have my name I ain't using it.

christian dieu

New Member
The style of this one is easier to read. Colour switches between each post. And it is generally easier on the eye (even though it has the same base)


nothing in moderation
for my money the bikeradar forum is ok, but it was the act of destroying a community that has led so many of us to reinvent the old forum over here.

also the moderation protocols on bikeradar seem more set towards giving the it chaps an easy life than trying to foster the community spirit (yuk) that existed with c+.

by community i mean a diverse group (not just the elephant folks) who don't always get on with each other, don't all think the same but still have one thing in common, and it has two (and sometimes three) wheels.

oh and as for the white screen, dodgy forum code and being made to feel like a contractual obligation, don't get me started :blush:


What spoilt it for me was some of the idiots from the "section upstairs" they shall no be named but i think you know who i mean,who were obviously trying their best to disrupt.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
After reading some very aggressive replies to normal forum banter, I thought a change was in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
Its not that bad, its got 'potential' to be very good for cyclists, and it has so much more on the site ie reviews, maps etc.

BUT i don't think that any consideration has been shown to C+ users at all.
The mods from MBUKids have this attitude that if you don't like it, FU@k OFF and have already after two days started telling folk to stop moaning. I thought some of the Moaning was feedback myself.
ADMIN1 came across as good guy, even if he was only there mon=fri 9-5.

And i really don't get why the C+ users have been put at the bottom of the screen!!

They should have setup a new site and said to folk this is it, do you want to use it? And then closed down the other sites if thats what they wanted to do.
As it is people have voted with their fingers.


New Member
West Yorkshire
C+ had about 12 different forums whereas Bike Radar has about 40 - okay, they are seperated into different sections like MTB, Road & Commuting, but there are still too many forums to get through in one sitting.

I registered a few days ago and went back the next evening, but I havn't been back since as I prefer the Cycle Chat Cafe. A bit of simplicity would be better for BR.


New Member
Bourne End, UK
I have been trying to give it a chance, but I already feel compelled to check here first.

With about four pages of 'new posts since last visit' seemingly ever time I go there, bikeradar just feels like white noise. (And that is with a load of people complaining it seems quiet!)


Legendary Member
I think BR will improve, but is definitely too unwieldy at the mo. And, a number of forums lumped together at once is bound to be unsettling, I guess.

I wonder how much 'market research' C+ did in designing the monster that BR currently is ?
andyoxon said:
I think BR will improve, but is definitely too unwieldy at the mo. And, a number of forums lumped together at once is bound to be unsettling, I guess.

I wonder how much 'market research' C+ did in designing the monster that BR currently is ?

No bugger arsked I (but that seems about normal) :blush:
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