Is it still possible to do it ?

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I am been off my bike for over a week now as I am just recovering from a lung infection. So, for a week I had lost all appetite and been eating next to nothing and loss of sleep as I have been sleeping very little due to the coughing which kept me awake most of the night. I am due to do a 41 miles sportive on Sunday and wonder if I will be be fit enough to do it . I have no chance of riding the bike before Sunday. I still feel a bit shaky now.


The Glue that binds us together.
Just go for it, you will be fine. Good luck.


Legendary Member
I am been off my bike for over a week now as I am just recovering from a lung infection. So, for a week I had lost all appetite and been eating next to nothing and loss of sleep as I have been sleeping very little due to the coughing which kept me awake most of the night. I am due to do a 41 miles sportive on Sunday and wonder if I will be be fit enough to do it . I have no chance of riding the bike before Sunday. I still feel a bit shaky now.

Doesn't sound at all wise to me to be honest , as it's not just pootling down to eh shops, and lung infections, as opposed to a mere cold, can be genuinely serious, and get very much worse - and it sounds like you've been pretty rough. I've no medical knowledge, but know several people in work who've been quite seriously ill with "lung infections" of one form or another. At the risk of sounding over dramatic, one lady died as infection became pneumonia, became sceptisaemia (sp?) - and she was only forty something too.


Nothing is impossible I have found
For when my chain is on the ground
I pick myself up, dust myself off
Start all over again

Don't lose your confidence if you slip
Be grateful for a pleasant trip
And pick yourself up, dust yourself off
Start all over again

If your appetite is back, go for it, but if still a bit shaky do the sensible thing and wait a few more days, then pick yourself up and start all over again with a shortish ride.



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I tried a gentle 55 mile pootle to Brighton with a minor chest infection. I gave up half way after slowing the whole ride down significantly, and with my lungs feeling as though they were being sluiced with acid.

Don't go. IMVHO

up hill struggle

Well-Known Member
you could try I suppose, but if you feel the need to stop or call it a day before you reach the 40 mark then stop & call it a day.

your gonna be run down after the infection & lack of sleep so important to listen to your body.

personally I would give it a full week after I felt better before trying anything like that but I'm lazy & outta shape at the best of times. Just take it easy if you decide to do it, no shame in it if you don't manage the full distance.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am been off my bike for over a week now as I am just recovering from a lung infection. So, for a week I had lost all appetite and been eating next to nothing and loss of sleep as I have been sleeping very little due to the coughing which kept me awake most of the night. I am due to do a 41 miles sportive on Sunday and wonder if I will be be fit enough to do it . I have no chance of riding the bike before Sunday. I still feel a bit shaky now.
I don't think it would be a good idea, but I am more concerned about your 'lung infection' ...

Are you absolutely sure that is what you've had? Your symptoms are exactly what I had 2 years ago and I convinced myself that the problem was a chest infection. The problem actually turned out to be a pulmonary embolism caused by a DVT in my left leg and it almost killed me.

If you haven't yet seen a doctor - see a doctor! If the doctor doesn't seem too concerned, think about going to your local A&E and getting tested for clotting.

The delay in seeking help left me with a pulmonary artery that looked more like a black pudding than an artery!

(PS I hope it is just a nasty cough and nothing more sinister!)


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Cheers. To cap it all they forecast rain on Sunday too so I think I will give a miss and start doing the.miles at my own space.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I don't think it would be a good idea, but I am more concerned about your 'lung infection' ...

Are you absolutely sure that is what you've had? Your symptoms are exactly what I had 2 years ago and I convinced myself that the problem was a chest infection. The problem actually turned out to be a pulmonary embolism caused by a DVT in my left leg and it almost killed me.

If you haven't yet seen a doctor - see a doctor! If the doctor doesn't seem too concerned, think about going to your local A&E and getting tested for clotting.

The delay in seeking help left me with a pulmonary artery that looked more like a black pudding than an artery!

(PS I hope it is just a nasty cough and nothing more sinister!)
Yes I saw a doctor at the hospital on Sunday and when he listened to my chest, he could hear a whizzing noise on the right hand side. So I am on antibiotics and cough mixture. They seem to be working.


North Shields
Possible? Yes.
Advisable? Probably not.

You've time to consult an actual doctor before hand, and a few more days to rest up. Maybe try and talk to one and see how you're feeling on Friday before committing?


Eat, sleep, ride, repeat.
You have made the right choice- I had a chest infection last summer and it really knocked me for 6, climbing stairs was a problem- let alone hills.
Cycling's not your job so cut your losses and get fit first, you risk doing more damage carrying on.


Legendary Member
If your training had been going well before the infection and you have seen the doctor and completed a course of medication, then there's a good chance you should be ok. As long as you feel up to it, take it easy at the start, find a comfortable steady pace and you should be fine. Listen to your body and be prepared to drop out if you don't feel right.

In my running days I got an infection just over a week before a marathon. I was on antibiotics for a week, stopping the day before the marathon. There was hardly any training done in that week, but I still put in a big pb on the day. Being well-rested in the lead-up to the event was a significant factor in producing the pb, but the main point is that I had recovered from the infection.
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