Is there a computer buying scheme like cycle to work?

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Senior Member
I'm going to start studying part time again (well actually for the first time, bit of a drop out at school). I'm thinking it may be quite handy to have a lap top although I have a perfectly good computer at home - quite old but does what I need. I was wondering if there is anything around similar to the cycle to work scheme where you get to buy much cheaper - anyone know of anything?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
There used to be, but it stopped...... sorry no... !
we were just talking about this today at work as the 3 year lease is just coming to an end on the ones we managed to get through our employer. Someone was talking about how the scheme was meant to be for those unable to afford one from the shop and how it was bizarrely those on the 40% bracket that actually got the biggest discount and they could probably have just gone and brought one anyway. I know i did; i was going to buy one anyway and managed to get a much higher spec for the same money.

The company have just announced that they are starting up the discount bike scheme in the spring....I've started looking for my next bike :smile::biggrin:



New Member
Forres, Scotland
Hi Willow - We ran a HCI scheme at work, but that was killed off when the Government decided to end the tax benefit on it.

I got some bumph about a replacement scheme - can't remember the name of it off the top of my head - will have to have a look and post it here.

Where are you going to be edificated?

Some institutions have their own discount schemes with local shops or outlets, equally they may be able to help with subsidised software licensing etc.

Have a chat with the tutors as they should be able to advise you of local schemes.


Vice Admiral
There is an organisation called "Lifestyles" that has workshops that take ex-corporate computers, refurbishes them, if necessary, and sells them for low prices. The Manager would be able to assist you in what you need.

Pm me the names of some big towns near you, and I will see if I can find one near you that you could inquire in, if you would like to.
Hi I work for a county council and they did a HCI scheme I got a dell system. nice tax break as well
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