It's a public holiday in the UK innit?

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Just off to tackle the junk in the garage, then a wash and brush up and off for a pub lunch followed by a walk.


Well-Known Member
....think it is mainly an English bank most of us 'Jocks' are working today...:biggrin:...
.....feeling really guilty this morning though....took a look outside...saw the wind & rain and jumped in the car (first time for months)....
...might nip home at lunchtime..quick change...and cycle back in this afternoon......maybe.?????:rolleyes:


Home Counties
Doing a bit of work on the 'bent this morning. Trying to get the sodding bloody disk brakes to stop sticking. Stopping for lunch soon then going out on the road bike in the afternoon (if the wind dies down a bit).


New Member
Going to head off on the bike in a bit. A group of local people have arranged a protest walk along the main road through a village. They are campaigning for a pavement along a busy stretch of road which leads to all the big caravan and holiday parks in the area. I'll either walk with them or be a cyclist outrider.


Legendary Member
Been over to my father inlaws to help tidy up after a family bbq yesterday,had a full english for brunch,and watching a bit of telly,columbo to be precise,oh and im on my two weeks hols now too:biggrin:
I just finished hemming some curtains and then I'm off to tidy the side passageway (ooer). Tonight I'm going out in Brum with a mate who i've not seen in years which will be fun. Going to have to drive though as all the local rail services have been replaced with a 2 hour bus journey. how rubbish.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
At work too. I work for a large pensions provider - we're always told that we can't close on English Bank Holidays because we have Scottish customers, and can't close on Scottish Bank Holidays because we have English customers.

I'm sure the Scottish & English banks have customers from the other side of the border to them, so how come they manage to close ? :biggrin:
goo_mason said:
At work too. I work for a large pensions provider - we're always told that we can't close on English Bank Holidays because we have Scottish customers, and can't close on Scottish Bank Holidays because we have English customers.

I'm sure the Scottish & English banks have customers from the other side of the border to them, so how come they manage to close ? :biggrin:

Hey Goo,

I see you added the sponsorship in your signature. I suppose it's fair game now...:biggrin:


Well-Known Member
jassy-x said:
....think it is mainly an English bank most of us 'Jocks' are working today...:sad:...
.....feeling really guilty this morning though....took a look outside...saw the wind & rain and jumped in the car (first time for months)....
...might nip home at lunchtime..quick change...and cycle back in this afternoon......maybe.?????:biggrin:

Mr Pig said:
I cycled. Kinda wishing I hadn't though.

....well I did nip home at lunchtime....but due to the amount of surface water and still strong winds I ''bloused out'' and drove back to work....but now that I am sitting in the office watching the sun starting to break through the clouds, I am feeling especially guilty...:biggrin:....Mark Beaumont would be well ashamed of me!!!!....will need to fit in a few longer rides home this week to make up...
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