Its gone a bit quiet since the post Christmas diet thing?

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Über Member
Anybody out there changed their eating habits and felt any benefit or just plain lost a few pounds ?? FWIW I seem not to " need" such large meals to fill me up these days + 2 or 3 hours a week at the gym on leg curls and extensions etc. and lots of swimming has really improved my strength and stamina re uphill and headwind riding.:sad:


New Member
Bromley, Kent
My eating habits have changed over the last two weeks. It's mainly been takeaways, and I've gained two pounds, that and I've not cycled at all this week.


Smutmaster General
I ate loads of fruit yesterday. Follwed by a family-size bar of chocolate. :biggrin:
My approach to weight (it never varies much) is drven by the economic desire to not have to buy new trousers, so I try to maintain an equilibrium. And stay the same weight, more or less.
Fnaar said:
I ate loads of fruit yesterday. Follwed by a family-size bar of chocolate. :biggrin:
My approach to weight (it never varies much) is drven by the economic desire to not have to buy new trousers, so I try to maintain an equilibrium. And stay the same weight, more or less.

I'm sure you look very chic in your XL Farah slacks, Fnaar! :biggrin:
Stopped eating crisps for lent - previously had an addiction

Looks like I have lost weight :biggrin:

Quite chuffed as I have been addicted to these things for years - several bags a day :biggrin:

Aint Skeered

New Member
Finally got under 90kilos, 4 more to go.
It's been a real nightmare, especially with posts about fish finger sarni's
OMG I'm salivating just typing this.


Senior Member
Hmmm, funny you should say that fnaar, i was only yesterday looking at my collection of now outgrown 34 trousers, an Armani suit and expensive brand jeans and though to myself, not only could I save money by eating less food, there must be the thick end of a grand's worth of clothes to be reclaimed here.


Über Member
Have put on about a stone I reckon since Christmas, although that is a total guess as I have weighed myself for about six months.

Apart from my commute I have done bugger all riding, really must get out but just don't seem to find the time these days.


The only reason I'm able to keep my weight under control is through cycling and football. Without these, I'd soon have a muffin-top belly!


Lost a couple of inches since Xmas.Getting the jersey xl which was a bit tight did it.Have stopped snacking between meals.Cut out the full monty breakfasts when out on a ride.No ale .Finding it easy.After seeing my chicken legs on here.Bought some new baggies 38-40.But the real test was,have decided to ditch the Max Wall tights in favour of some cargo pants-trousers.Found my old ones in the back of the wardrobe this week.40" waist fit perfectly with some spare.Going to continue watching the food.Also feel better.


Über Member
Hmmm ... 55 posts on the diet thread just after Christmas - lets say 40 of them listing their new year resolutions re weight and targets...... you have 48 hours to provide evidence of weight loss to date, or adequate reasons for under achievement ;)

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I've started not drinking on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Half a bottle of wine plus scotch or 2 beers per night before). I have no idea if it's going to help or am I just denying myself one of lifes pleasures?
I aim to lose half a stone by May.
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