I've just been to Bradford

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always used to go to 'the international' on morley street when i worked there.
Very nice curries, but i always remember they had a waiter there who was far too thin, not sure whether he's still there or wasted away - they could have done with feeding him up.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
vernon said:
It saddens me to see how Bradford's attempt to reinvent itself have been ovetaken by Leeds, Halifax and Huddersfield.

But it looks like Chester compared with Dewsbury!

You don't go to the Kashmir for a quality dining experience, and anyway, they cleaned the toilets in 1997 ..........:smile:


Legendary Member
The curry was nice. But there were lads lining up coke in the pub toilets. And several people I thought it best to avoid eye contact with.

And a couple of couples fighting in the street.

And of course you NEVER get that in Birmingham, do you? Every small, medium and large town in Britain is like that nowadays. You must have been walking round with your eyes closed if you only noticed coke-heads for the first time in Bradford. It seems everywhere I go there's people beaked up and banging on 90 to the dozen. Even my square (daddy-o) step-brother, as mild a man as you could ever meet, canes it back Friday to Sunday every week now.
fossyant said:
It's fookin hilly...... says a Peak resident...........

Tis that. I used to cycle around there when I got into cycling as a teenager. I keep threatening to fasten the bike to the back of my car every time we go and visit my parents. I can usually make the excuse of needing access to the boot for nappy changing supplies etc but I'm just scared of the hills and my soft Leicester living legs. I'd fit a triple if it wasn't for the fact I'd never needed one before.

It looks grim but most of the people are nice.

Don't laugh.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I spent t' first three years of my life in Bratford and have nothing but fond memories of the place - mind you I can't remember anything before the age of four...

You think Bradford's rubbish, have you not been to Ilkeston....Christ!!! ;)


pre-talced and mighty
Cubist said:
But it looks like Chester compared with Dewsbury!
I really don't know what to make of that. I went to Chester last month and it was frightful.

According to the Babe, the standard chat-up line is 'D'ye tek it in tha hed?'


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Rigid Raider said:
We also used to love going to The Beehive on Manningham Lane, an amazing Victorian place with gas lighting and about a dozen hand-pulled beers, coal fires in each room and scrubbed wood floors; it really was genuinely unimproved.

I last went in the Beehive about 2 years ago & it was still unimproved then ;)


Legendary Member
Bradford ,i hope you soon recover from your visit.

What with the long nasal hair.cauliflower ears,broken teeth and hook noses.Some of the girls in Bradford really are not half bad looking.

Only good things that come out of Bradford are the roads to Leeds.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
dellzeqq said:
I really don't know what to make of that. I went to Chester last month and it was frightful.

According to the Babe, the standard chat-up line is 'D'ye tek it in tha hed?'

Oh, OK, York, or Winchester, or..... well let's just say that if the Good Lord wished to apply chamois cream to the world, he'd start off with a big fingerful on Dewsbury and work forwards..........


New Member
Does anyone know why Bradford council decided to remove all of the roundabouts from the City centre (which drives the Sat-Nav mad!!), replace them with a huge mountain of dirt and then spend three years perfecting the are of growing weeds on said mountain of dirt???


Leg End Member
BigCol said:
Does anyone know why Bradford council decided to remove all of the roundabouts from the City centre (which drives the Sat-Nav mad!!), replace them with a huge mountain of dirt and then spend three years perfecting the are of growing weeds on said mountain of dirt???

Something to do with the money drying up. I don't think they struck oil in that pit they dug.

Jacobs Well roundabout is still there


Moray Firth
i've had some excellent times in Bradf'd. The cinema in Little Germany used to be really intimate and all arty, made me feel dead middle class going there, especially if we copped for a curry at the Kash afterwards.

One of the main things i miss about being up here in the frozen north is the Bradf'd curry experience - that said, our Banff curry shop is staffed by smashing Asian people from there, but the food doesn't have the same 'authenticity', presumably because the usual customer profile doesn't contain significant numbers of Asian people. Still very acceptable though.
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