laudon wainwright III

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
I still prefer Ronnie.


New Member
Noodley said:

I liked very much the couple of songs I heard of his. I liked the off kilter phrasing and breathy clever lyrics, and I wondered how he inherited that from a country and western dad.

But..... I was wrong!!!! Rufus is a a modern carbon copy of his dad.

They're both very whimsical though, which sometimes makes me nash my wine glass.


New Member
Rhythm Thief said:
Louden is indeed a genius, if a little screwed up. His ex, Kate McGarrigle, is also pretty good.

I'm going to investigate. He's like Ray Davies without a band.

Did you see that program last night? Think it was on BBC4 and will be repeated.


Abitrary said:
I'm going to investigate. He's like Ray Davies without a band.

Did you see that program last night? Think it was on BBC4 and will be repeated.

I watched that. Can't remember what channel..


New Member
Noodley said:
I watched that. Can't remember what channel..

He's a twat, isn't he? But one of those borderline twats you kind of respect because he might do something interesting.


New Member
Noodley said:

urf, I just listened to that.

That is the son (who I used to respect) of a father who is not quite as good as leonard cohen, yet who the father respects, and yet the son only probably does through proxy.

I think it's a bit vain of rufus to attempt leonard cohen in the light of my last paragraph.


New Member
Colne, Lancs
Rufus is superbly camp though, his album of July Garland covers is superb.

I do love Loudon, I even enjoyed his music for Knocked Up last year: it made an average blokes film quite nice and schmaltzy. I enjoyed it.

Plus Martha is brilliantly barking too.


New Member
SamNichols said:
Rufus is superbly camp though, his album of July Garland covers is superb.

I do love Loudon, I even enjoyed his music for Knocked Up last year: it made an average blokes film quite nice and schmaltzy. I enjoyed it.

Plus Martha is brilliantly barking too.

I wish I was in that family. It sounds like the sort of place you commit incest and just right a song about it.


Moray Firth
Loudon is essential listening if you are in any way sentient.

He has the rare combined ability to induce hysterical laughter, deep moving sorrow, and straight forward story telling. A veritable troubadour.

Kate and Anna Mcgarrigles together or with any combination of family past and present are bliss. All are among my top five artists.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I'm quite keen on Loudon Wainwright, and Kate and Anna McGarrigle to, although I've not got into Rufus. Rufus seems a bit of a crooner to me and I can't see the appeal. Nearly all Loudon's songs are autobiographical and quite often comic. He's written loads of good songs. I'm not sure if he's a great artist or not, because he reminds me of Richard Stilgoe and you wouldn't say he was a great artist. Kate and Anna aren't as prolific, but they're better musicians. When they have a good song, they put a lot of effort into making it sound as good as possible, unlike Loudon IMO. I got into Loudon aften listening to the McGarrigle's cover of the Swimming Song, which I still prefer.
Essentially a comedy act in the Pete Seeger tradition. Tom Waits has the same talent for words, and a faux bohemianism that grates, but Wainright lacks Waits' musicality. You have to remember that Wainright's time was at the end of a period of great lyricism in American music, and, really, he's just stirring the leftovers.
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