Let's play Spot the Lyric

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nothing in moderation
Bigtallfatbloke said:
this world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steel your dreams it's...
american pie, don mclean?


Smutmaster General
OK, how 'bout this one...

Daylight turns to moonlight
And I'm at my best
Praising the way it all works
And gazing upon the rest....
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm....
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm....
I wish we'd wake up one day
And everyone feel moved
But I'm caught up in the dailies and my.....


Smutmaster General
Or, how about....
(where's dave5n when you need him)?

I'll show you them now, those boys without cares.
Who'd swapped dirty pictures and talked during prayers.
They grew up with wisdom they'd stored from "those" days
Nobody told them to fit in they must change.
I'll show you them now.
Come with me and I'll show you them now.
The teachers laughed with them class idiot style.
After all they weren't their kids so why should they mind.
Boyish good looks held the wrath back a while.
Then they were drummed in and thumped in and soon left behind.
Alcoholics, child molesters, nervous wrecks and prima donnas
Jilted lovers, office clerks, petty thieves, hard drug pursuers.
Lonely tramps, awkward misfits, oh anyone of these.
Mortgaged up families looked at first too mundane.
But it's funny how with help all the lucky ones changed.
Some of them couldn't, there had to be more.
Music, I dunno, films, something special perhaps.
I'll show you them now, come with me
And I'll show you them now.
It's so hard to picture dirty tramps as young boys.
But if you see a man crying, hold his hand, he's my friend.
If these words sound corny, switch this off, I don't care.
Nearby he's still crying, I won't smile while he's there.
Nearby he's still crying. I won't smile while he's there.


Smutmaster General
Uncle Phil said:
Hold on, hold on chaps, this is getting messy.
The Pogues: "Hold On Chaps This Is Getting Messy".
No, fair enough, I was just earworming* a couple of my favourite songs.

*Earworm: a song that comes into your head and won't leave for most of the day.


N Ireland
cisamcgu said:
How about
"Once i had a love and it was divine.
Soon found out i was losing my mind."

Heart of glass by Blondie


N Ireland
What about:-

You say the hills too steep to climb
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb that hill in my own way

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Extra marks if you can guess the year of birth of the forum member who posts the lyric to be guessed... on the grounds of their taste in songs for us to name.... sort of thing.

(Did you understand that? Good).

E.g., for cisamcgu, quoting Blondie, maybe.... 1965.

Fnaar said:
OK, how 'bout this one...

Daylight turns to moonlight
And I'm at my best
Praising the way it all works
And gazing upon the rest....
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm....
The cool before the warm
The calm after the storm....
I wish we'd wake up one day
And everyone feel moved
But I'm caught up in the dailies and my.....

Everchanging Moods - Style Council.
"I can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I
Can't relax
I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me I'm a real live wire"

Psycho Killer - Talking Heads.

How about -

"There is freedom within, there is freedom without
Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup
There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost
But you'll never see the end of the road
While you're travelling with me"
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