Lidl... the not so nice side.

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I often see a blind guy in the Lidls across the road from us he stands just inside the shop and one of the staff come out and walk him round picking the things he needs.
I don't know if it's the local store being nice or company policy to help disabled people.


Doesn't say "must allow guide dogs" though does it? They could ban dogs and make other "reasonable provision" if they were so minded.

One guard has clearly goofed, as it is pretty inconceivable that Lidl has any such policy.

Putting up a shed without planning permission is possibly "breaking the law", but I'd not expect my neighbours to call the police, though I might quite rightly get a letter from the council.
I don't know the wording of the law but surely the allowing of guide dogs is absolutely implicit in the terms of the law to anybody but a complete imbecile, cretin or thinknotwell.


I don't think qnyone here is defending the shop.

However, it would also require a bit of an effort to establish that banning guide dogs was discrimination according the act - especially as even the dog ban is highly unlikely to be lidl policy. i would think it could well be justified in some circumstqnces - though probably not here to be fair. But As far as I understand it, banning guide dogs is not in and of itself an offence.
And yet we have all thiw righteous indignation "calling the police" and what not.

I might ask, is there more to the story - or is it q pure co-incidence the victim juwt happened to be q councellor?
You may think differently if or when you have the misfortune to be in this position.

Hip Priest

Drago's pal isn't asking for the security guard to be sacked, he's asking for an apology from the company and an assurance that all staff will be reminded of the law with regards to assistance dogs. Fair enough I say.
I'm not suggesting they go to prison or get the birch, they've broken to law and some kind of community resolution disposal leaves them without a criminal record, yet forces them to acknowledge they acted unlawfully.

Drago's pal isn't asking for the security guard to be sacked, he's asking for an apology from the company and an assurance that all staff will be reminded of the law with regards to assistance dogs. Fair enough I say.
Seems to want the guy punished rather than just 'reminded of the law' .

Hip Priest

Next time we see a video of a van driver cutting up a cyclist, I look forward to a load of people saying it was only a mistake, and that van drivers don't get paid much.


South Tyneside
A rather funny old story, no dots joined.
Was the person a regular or just errr browsing ?
Next time we see a video of a van driver cutting up a cyclist, I look forward to a load of people saying it was only a mistake, and that van drivers don't get paid much.

I have asked 3 times but got no answer. Was the person so distraught they couldn't ask to see the manager to clarify the situation? This was an unfortunate episode that could so easily have been resolved with "Please can you get your supervisor as I am allowed in"

To then suggest that what was said equates to being put in position from which people are killed/injured is ridiculous.

Hip Priest

I have asked 3 times but got no answer. Was the person so distraught they couldn't ask to see the manager to clarify the situation?

Possibly. I don't know how I'd react if I was blind and someone tried to eject me from a store. Maybe I'd be calm and collected and ask for the manager, or maybe I'd get a bit flustered or upset and contact the firm by email when I got home. And if I did, I'd expect a full apology.
Possibly. I don't know how I'd react if I was blind and someone tried to eject me from a store. Maybe I'd be calm and collected and ask for the manager, or maybe I'd get a bit flustered or upset and contact the firm by email when I got home. And if I did, I'd expect a full apology.
Nobody is denying an apology is due, more than the person who did it should not be punished harshly as it was most likely a mistake.

But again, equating this mistake to a mistake which puts people safety at serious risk is not cool.


Charming but somewhat feckless

Yeah but look at the size of it, it's more like an elephant. And as for its hi-visibility jacket...


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