Incident: I'm sat at a set of traffic lights, (on red), waiting for green, the junction I'm at, is 2 lanes of traffic, left lane straight on or turn right, right lane turn right only on to East Lancs dual carriageway, this junction also has a cycle path that crosses on a pedestrian crossing.
My lights turn to green, off I set, only for a numpty who thinks its safe to jump the pedestrian crossing, (ped crossing man is on red) across both lanes of traffic, and shouts...'Woah'...this wasn't the Livestrong rider.
Off I set again, as do the cars, only for his mate, the Livestrong rider to do the same manouver, only this time, narrowly missing my front wheel by cm's, and forcing the cars to brake too..he shouts 'Watch out'.
Ermm, how about watch out yourself idiot, next time I hope you come a cropper!