Loch Fyne not so Fine

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Went to our local Loch Fyne Restaurant yesterday for lunch. Unfortunately their heating had packed up. However, they were not particularly bothered about the poor customers freezing. I would of left but Mrs sleazy was hungry along with our 3 year old daughter and there were no other places open. So, there we were, sitting in our winter coats eating our lunch. Got to say, crap customer service and I wouldn't return in a hurry. Even the serving staff were freezing in their company T shirts, apparently they were not allowed to put jumpers/coats on. Now, thinking back, I thought there was a certain temp that staff couldn't work in. I reckon someone will know on here.
There is a minimum temperature for schools. Don't know about regulations for other jobs and for some people the job is working in cold temps all the time eg. jobs in frozen food deep freeze warehouses. Or even anybody working outside for a good part of the year for that matter. Employers may be obliged to provide suitable PPE (personal protective equipment) though.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
We went to the one in Brighton a few years ago. It was grossly over-priced, had untrained students as waitresses and we never went back. It closed down a year later so it wasn't only me!
I have been to the one in York twice now and never had a good meal. Some of my friends say it is because I am a chef but no I just like good food and I do not mind paying for it but I do not like paying for crap. ( If you know what I mean?)


York, UK
Been once to the York one and also found it so-so and overpriced. Mainly went to see what had become of Stubbs! (It's in a fine old building formerly occupied by a York institution, Stubbs the ironmonger).
I don't know what the minimum temperature for staff is, but I used to know a bloke who was a heating engineer in the 1970s. One day he was called out to a factory where the heating had broken down, only to be met at the gates by the workforce walking out. "What's going on?" he asked, to be told by the union man "it's too cold to work in there comrade, we're out until you fix it." "Oh, right", he said, picking up his toolbag and following everyone else. "Where are you going?" asked the union chap. "Well, if it's too cold for you to work, it's too cold for me to work" he replied.:smile:


I've only eaten in a Loch Fyne (Harrogate) once and thought the food average at best.

The girl serving was very poor also. I ordered a nice Riesling which was quite pricey. When she poured it I took 1 one sniff and said I thought it was corked. She told me it wasn't, poured everyone else a glass and walked away.

Think she thought I was kidding. A friend who knows nothing about wine even mentioned the wine tasted weird. Got her back and told her again the wine was faulty and she took a sniff and told me it wasn't and wouldn't change it.

So what aromas should a Riesling have then I asked. Couldn't answer me. I told her citrus, mineral and one this age should have a hint of petrol however it smelled of wet carboard and was darker in colour than it should.

Eventually got her to replace it and it was like night and day. She wouldn't admit she was wrong and we never got it knocked off the bill. Shocking!


I've only ever eaten in the Bristol branch, and have only ever had decent food at reasonable prices. I also found the wine list to be decent value, with a nice sancerre under £25.

Judging by the rest of you, I think I've been extremely fortunate!
There's one by us and it was good. I've also been to the original one, actually on Loch Fyne before it all became this big chain. That was excellent but also a long time ago now.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
User482 said:
I've only ever eaten in the Bristol branch, and have only ever had decent food at reasonable prices. I also found the wine list to be decent value, with a nice sancerre under £25.

Judging by the rest of you, I think I've been extremely fortunate!

I've only ever eaten at the Winchester one, a couple of times and it was lovely.

That was some years ago, I think it was one of the first to open. Maybe they are over stretching themselves?
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