Longest ride

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Über Member
By the way, the metric system is not a European measurement but a Universal one, used throughout the world.

But it's probably true to say that the use of Km's in this country is a direct result of their use on mainland Europe. Personally, I don't drive a car in km's so don't see any reason to do so on a bike.

Alan O

Über Member
At a couple of years short of 60 I'm of the weird mixed-up generation. My long-suffering wife is from Thailand, and we always travel in kilometres when we're there - distances in Thailand to me are all in km, and I just couldn't get my head round thinking in miles there.

But here in the UK I think in miles - I can instinctively picture a mile, but not a kilometre.

On other measures I'm pretty much all metric, having gone through a metric-only education -- I weigh too many kilos, and I have no idea how to convert that into too many stones.


Kilometre nibbler
Curiously, from a cycling point of view, if someone on here said they had ridden "a hundred" or "a two hundred" (or even a three, four or six hundred) I'd automatically assume kms, as this is audax-speak. However, if they said they'd ridden "a ton" or "a century" I'd assume miles. All my walking or cycling is done in km. All my driving is done in miles.

One thing that I can't cope with is use of feet for elevation. It means absolutely nothing to me, even less than degrees F.


Kilometre nibbler
But it's probably true to say that the use of Km's in this country is a direct result of their use on mainland Europe.
Not really. Australia and New Zealand converted to metric quite successfully and they are a fair way from Europe. There's only the US and, I think, Liberia that officially use imperial units.
Not really. Australia and New Zealand converted to metric quite successfully and they are a fair way from Europe. There's only the US and, I think, Liberia that officially use imperial units.
quick search
Myanmar (a.k.a. “the country formerly known as Burma”)
a Ton is 2,240 lbs so irrelevant to distance strictly speaking, a century means as you know 100 (best knowb sport for it is cricket as you know)
oddities the earths circumference is approx 24,000 miles which it rotates in 24 hrs so 1,000mph from a give point above the equator (diminishes towards the poles) in Km 40,075/24 = 1,669kph aprrox, no wonder its difficult riding westward
Here is another that wouldn't work on a metric system, days in year 365 degrees in a circle 360 so the earth travels approx 1 degree of arc around the sun each day (yea I know its quicker in winter as the earth is closer to the sun as it is in summer (northern hemisphere that is) because its an ellipse not circular) just in case your wondering thats 66,621mph
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