Lovely typos

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North Yorkshire
A place to gently cradle the fortuitous, funny, or poignant fingertip malapropisms we find within this parish.
I'll start:

A parishioner is giving advice to someone here wanting a bike for a charity trip. Very thorough advice, including the requirement for:

"... a saddle that is good for you, a handlebar configuration that minimizes stress on your joints and a pedal/shoe system with no hotpots. Your body should be conditioned for all day riding. These are all point of contact issues..."

A pedal system with hotpot now seems the perfect thing for long-distance. Reach down, take a spoonful of rich, gravied meat, and thinly sliced potato. Or stop, maybe, and dunk in a wedge of bread? Delicious.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Not entirely convinced by shoe hotpot having seen the state of some folks feet.


North Shields

My favourite thing about this is that I've never known if it was intentional or not, but either way would have driven Bateman absolutely nuts.


South Wales
View attachment 660404

My favourite thing about this is that I've never known if it was intentional or not, but either way would have driven Bateman absolutely nuts.

Sorry, but I can't see it. Where is the typo?


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Spotted out of the corner of my eye at the gym today - BBC News just before 11am.

"Our greatest monarchs have been lizard breath the second and Victoria".

Not the best moment to fail to ensure that the voice recognition software knows a common name.....
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