Lucky Punctures...

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Growing older but not up...
I set off to ride to Liverpool today but after 3 punctures in 65 miles I headed in to Chester and caught the train home.

The thing is that I just kept meeting the nicest people. There was the chap at the Bike Shop in Whitchurch and his friend - the charming Maria from Bulgaria who had just bought a bike and wanted to learn how to mend a puncture. (After watching my efforts she decided her best plan is to stand by the bike looking helpless and I think that strategy will work just fine.)

Then, later the legendary Harry "the Bike" stopped to see if I needed any help. Harry is 83 and can still ride well over 100 miles a day and, though I'd heard of him, I'd never though I'd actually get the chance to chat with him. Then on the train back I met some other cyclists, including a couple from Holland.

It was nothing like I'd envisaged the day but it turned out really nice - Liverpool can wait.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Had a lucky puncture a few weeks ago (well, 2 at once. One in the front and one at the back). While fixing the rear I spotted some cracks in the rim around the spoke holes. I had noticed over the rides before that the back wheel was slightly out of true and just assumed it needed a visit from Mr Spoke Key and if it hadn't been for the punctures I may have kept riding the bike until the wheel collapsed mid ride.

As it happened the bike was about 11 1/2 months old and had covered 2000 miles but I got in touch with the supplying shop and they agreed it sounded like a warranty issue, subject to them examining the bike. They were good on their word and offered a new wheel but I insisted on a matching set rather than having odd wheels on a bike with an RRP approaching £700. They did the decent thing and also supplied the matching front wheel.

When I picked up the bike my eagle eyes spotted that the inner tubes had been swapped from my Schreader valves to Presta and when I queeried this it became apparant that the rims would only take presta so I managed to get them to give me 2 spare tubes as the Schreader ones I had at home and always carry with me were now useless.

Well done JE James in Chesterfield :hello:


Bird Saviour
i met one of my best cycling friends because i had a puncture, who stopped to help the helpless girl with false nails on who couldn't get her tyre off. Turned out he was semi-pro and told me where he lived and to pop by for a cuppa whenever i was cycling past. seems most cyclists in the area pop in for a cuppa whenever they pass. great bloke.
Liverpool from where? I need to know!

Cycling is not just about finishing but about the fun getting or trying to get there.

Anyway, Liverpool is OK but head up the Wirral and cast an eye on the Dee estuary while you are there.

Good luck


Growing older but not up...
Liverpool from where? I need to know!

Cycling is not just about finishing but about the fun getting or trying to get there.

Anyway, Liverpool is OK but head up the Wirral and cast an eye on the Dee estuary while you are there.

Good luck

I took NCR 31 from near Oswestry to Whitchurch, then NCR 45 to Chester. Both lovely (if not very direct) routes on a glorious day. When I turned back I was heading from Chester to Neston and from there I'd planned to pick up the Wirral Way as far as Seacombe.
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