Moles ( the furry ones that make mole hills)

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Cracking a solo.
Any hints and tips to get rid of moles? I've got at least one of the buggers that's currently tearing my garden apart. I'm not bothered about putting traps down for the thing if that's the only way although I'd rather not if I can possibly avoid it. I don't particularly want to kill them but it's more the case of having to buy the traps and then not really knowing where to put them, they seem to be just about everywhere including decimating my raised planters, and if I can avoid having to get someone in to do it I will.
So, anybody had moles and managed to get shot of them?

Just to pre-empt things, I'll post this myself;

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Legendary Member
Eucalyptus oil down a few holes, worked for us and a few other people we know. The wife tried it when nothing else worked and they moved out that day and never came back.


Cracking a solo.
Eucalyptus oil down a few holes, worked for us and a few other people we know. The wife tried it when nothing else worked and they moved out that day and never came back.
Not heard that one before, I'll give that a shot, thank you :okay:


Legendary Member
Not heard that one before, I'll give that a shot, thank you :okay:

Nor had we but my wife's brain works in mysterious ways. I have the top on a car dealer forum and a chap there had the problem for years even paying the do called experts, the top worked and he has not had another visit.

Let us know how you get on.

This is a copy of the guys post.
Quick update. We are 'moleless' at the time of writing.

The petrol did the trick, we thought, then the bugger came back couple of days later.

The Eucalyptus oil did the trick and I'd like to think his tubes are nice and clear too.

Great tip.
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Cracking a solo.
My cat catches moles, although there are still some left judging by the hills. Live and let live I tell her, but she ignores me.
From the state of my garden at the moment it appears my cat is studiously ignoring the moles, I have read that putting some cat poo down the holes will get rid of them, I haven't quite got to the stage where I'm willing to go hunting and gathering cat poo.


Cracking a solo.
[QUOTE 5329629, member: 9609"]This dry spell may have killed off half of our hedgehogs and they were already classed as an endangered species.[/QUOTE]
I'm pleased to say we currently have two hedgehogs enjoying life in our garden, I just wish they ate moles!


North Yorkshire
Eucalyptus oil.
Find the main run into the garden by poking a thin rod across a line where you suspect the mole runs. Dig down to find the run and place oil-soaked cotton wool ball. Do this all across the runs, cover each dig with some soil and a stone. Replenish with fresh oil after three days.
They’ll move on.


Cracking a solo.
Eucalyptus oil.
Find the main run into the garden by poking a thin rod across a line where you suspect the mole runs. Dig down to find the run and place oil-soaked cotton wool ball. Do this all across the runs, cover each dig with some soil and a stone. Replenish with fresh oil after three days.
They’ll move on.
It's my job for this afternoon (unless it starts lashing down again) and that's useful info, thank you.
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