Motorcycles in bus lanes - survey

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pre-talced and mighty
many thanks for posting this, Ben
This has just appeared on the radar.

Not to say that Plymouth has anywhere near the aggression displayed by the users in Londons streets, but one hopes what has been achieved there is also reflected in London with this trial - safer streets for all users.

Bikers permanently share bus lane
Motorcyclists are to be allowed to permanently use bus lanes in Plymouth after a pilot scheme saw the number of road accidents drop dramatically.

Plymouth City Council carried out an 18-month experiment in order to assess whether allowing motorcyclists to use the lanes would improve their safety.

In 2006, the number of motorcyclists killed in road accidents was 22 but in 2008 the figure dropped to 14.

A traffic order is now being introduced to let the lanes be permanently shared.

'Considerate' driving

The idea behind the scheme was to put a safe distance between cars and motorbikes in a bid to make bikers more visible to car drivers and reduce "weaving" in and out of traffic.

The trial began in October 2007 with before and after studies on bus lane corridors in Exeter Street and Tavistock Road showing that there had been fewer motorbike casualties during the trial and that those that did occur were not so severe.

On Exeter Street the number of motorbike casualties fell from eight in 2006 to two in 2008 and on Tavistock Road the number of serious injuries dropped from two to zero.

Tom Jenkins, road safety officer, said: "Since the introduction of the bus lane trial, motorcyclists have not been weaving in and out of traffic as much and this is probably the main reason why the number of accidents has fallen.

"Bikers have been heeding our advice about not using the bus lanes as "fast tracks" to beat traffic queues and have been driving considerately and sensibly."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2009/04/10 14:23:59 GMT



New Member
I've snt in my survey strongly supproting them in bus lanes. There is a food article in the current C+ which addresses some of the statistical distortions applied to motorcyle accident figures.
I'm awaiting the cry "but they pay less road tax!"


pre-talced and mighty
well, I conducted my own survey this week, and it wasn't good. The first survey was yours truly going up the bus lanes at a decent pace, and not really minding either way. The second survey was coming back again, with the bus lanes full of cyclists, and the occasional motorcyclists or scooter rider coming through at a bit over 30mph - or, in once case, a lot over 30mph. On this occasion I was doing about 12mph, and my companion was well and truly shaken up.

Now the ratio of cyclists to PTW riders would have been between 20 and 30 to 1. And yet, the presence of the PTWs was terrifying. You have to take in to account the sheer mass of cyclists in the bus lanes, and the limited space in which the PTW riders were operating.

It simply isn't going to work. It will put the slower cyclists off (and the future of cycling in London is slower cyclists) and it's only a matter of time before somebody is badly injured. I was tempted to badly injure a scooter rider myself...


I've filled it in saying that I have driven a motorcycle, and have done more so as a result of the trial, and that I cycle, and have done more so as a result of the trial - when I haven't at all.
I've also said that I think it's safer as a pedestrian as a result of the trial.
when this is in fact all complete lies, but I support the idea of motorbikes in bus lanes so I have filled it in in such a way as they will think it's a good idea.


Jaffa Cake monster
bonj said:
I've filled it in saying that I have driven a motorcycle, and have done more so as a result of the trial, and that I cycle, and have done more so as a result of the trial - when I haven't at all.
I've also said that I think it's safer as a pedestrian as a result of the trial.
when this is in fact all complete lies, but I support the idea of motorbikes in bus lanes so I have filled it in in such a way as they will think it's a good idea.
Glad you cleared that up for us. ;)


pre-talced and mighty
unfortunately for bonj, nobody gives a toss about the survey. MCN has been bigging up their own efforts.


Taking the biscuit
'Bonj & Boris sitting in a tree............':biggrin:

He may 'set' rules but that is no reason to believe that makes them good ideas.
tdr1nka said:
'Bonj & Boris sitting in a tree............':biggrin:

He may 'set' rules but that is no reason to believe that makes them good ideas.

Ken Livingstone thought the western extension to the CC was a good idea - till he got voted out :bravo:


Taking the biscuit
Tis a shame indeed, I thought it was a good idea too.:bravo:
IMO the real truth is very few people actually need to drive in London, all the others should be disuaded at every opportunity.:becool:
tdr1nka said:
Tis a shame indeed, I thought it was a good idea too.:becool:
IMO the real truth is very few people actually need to drive in London, all the others should be disuaded at every opportunity.:?:

My missus wanted to do Portobello (sp) Rd on Saturday. Not sure I want the trek as I had a run down to St Albans last saturday so my mum could see her new grandaughters for the 1st time. Cross country :bravo:
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