Mundane News (Part 1)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
If you ever come across a dentist called ***** ****, you have my permission to fell him on the spot.

His nickname at Newcastle Dental Hospital was Buck Rogers.... because he passed it at the earliest opportunity, but sadly not before causing permanent and irreversible damage to my molars and gums.

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
He was s a nice enough simpleton, but I do wonder if he'd just wandered into the surgery off the street and they'd passed him the drill.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have a feeling that the recent posts from Archie_tect and welsh dragon will be removed rather more efficiently than the teeth in question, on the grounds that legal action might be taken if the man in question got to hear about them! :whistle:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Up until about 4 years ago I was terified of dentists, but I decided I was being silly. I still don't like the dentist but I go every 6 months.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have a feeling that the recent posts from Archie_tect and welsh dragon will be removed rather more efficiently than the teeth in question, on the grounds that legal action might be taken if the man in question got to hear about them! :whistle:

Sorry must say something mundane. There is very fine rain falling here at the moment.


Perhaps This One.....
I like my dentist, same one for 25 years now. Anyway there is a danger of this getting a little interesting, so back on topic..

I went for a walk today, with the dog, and got rather wet.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I only go to see a dentist if I really need to, the last 1 was a butcher so I try to avoid if I can :cry:
My problems with dentists were caused by a bullying, incompetent, sadistic b*****d dentist traumatising me when I was a small child. He hurt me so I got upset and closed my mouth. He then screamed abuse at me, stuck his knee on my chest and tried to force my jaw open! :eek:

My mum told me that a few weeks later, a girl ended up in hospital after another one of his treatment sessions went wrong ...

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My problems with dentists were caused by a bullying, incompetent, sadistic b*****d dentist traumatising me when I was a small child. He hurt me so I got upset and closed my mouth. He then screamed abuse at me, stuck his knee on my chest and tried to force my jaw open! :eek:

My mum told me that a few weeks later, a girl ended up in hospital after another one of his treatment sessions went wrong ...


Leg End Member
Took the tip of a dentists finger off years ago. Had a fit whilst under general anaesthetic & his hand happenned to be in the mouth at the time. I think I swallowed the tip of his finger, uncertain as I came round in the local A&E.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
my binmen come on wednesday. because I live in the middle fo nowhere, we don't have to recycle. Everything gets thrown in the dustcart together..
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