Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey morning with no wind but high winds are forecast for tomorrow. Light rain forecast also but no signs of that yet.
Car is waiting to get collected by the garage for new front discs and pads.

I noticed yesterday that all the cars on my Glengorm trip were white with one exception. Some of them were probably hire cars run by the guests from the very upmarket holidays they run from the castle. The black one was a middle aged woman in a trouser suit I think going for an interview.
The castle advertises mostly in USA as the current owner is from there. Their telephone number was one digit different from my workshop and I had lots of fascinating chats with people from USA who had dialled the wrong number. These were people clearly not bothered about the cost of transatlantic phone calls.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
This morning I learned that our wet spells are now even wetter than they were when it was simply wet. Accordingly, I can report hyper-hydrated wetness from London.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very damp underfoot Suffolk. Yet more wetness overnight, but not as bad here near the coast as further inland where there's been reports of flooded roads.
There's not much planned for today - a few indoor domestics, a bit of shopping and a bike needs cleaning and lubricating after yesterday's outing.
Grey and humid here chez Casa Reynard. Currently dry, but it was hosing it down early doors.

Slept ok. Spent the morning having a lovely walk with a friend and her dogs. My walking boots decided to have a "leaking day" which was not good, as things got a bit squelchy after a while. I think I shall have to fork out for some new boots, as wet feet aren't fun. having said that, putting dry socks on when I got home was pretty sybaritic.

While I was out, the postie tried to deliver the stuff I bought on the 'bay. Must not've been our usual chap, as he knows where to leave larger items safely. They will be re-delivering tomorrow, so will make sure I'm within earshot.

I've also discovered I have another FF1600 meeting programme and results to chase up. I thought I had nailed all of Paul Warwick's FF1600 races, but obviously not. That's the thing about doing this - you don't assume you know everything.

Anyhoooo, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Waited a bit before walking the dog this morning, but it didn't make much difference. The weather is wet, wet, wet!

Madam was not very happy as we hardly saw anyone, so she got no fuss.

We've had 0.87" rain & it hasn't stopped, although the worst seems to be moving away northwards.
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