Mundane News

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Touch it up and ride it
Been trying to find a comfortable working position ready for work tomorrow with my arm in the sling


Weather decidely better than the forecast so far. House dusted, hoovered and hard floors wipes. Then the car to Aldi for a bathroom waste bin that I spotted on the last trek but had insufficient room in the rucksack. They had moved them to a different middle aisle location, why ? The car then got filled up at Morrisons (cheapest + reward points) and then three plant centres/nuseries visited trying to find a particular plant. No luck so ordered on-line once home.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Was up late this morning, but took Cassie on the long walk, across the bypass. It's too busy to cross most days. The cows had all gathered by the exit gate to the field, so decided to go through. Madam started to bark at them but was told not to, and they responded when told to move. Not keen on going through their field, but I do like the area I find difficult to access if I don't. Met a guy walking 8 dogs, so told her to sit & stay, off the lead, at the side of the path & no one took any notice of anyone else. The rain held off, so we didn't get wet & it was quite sunny by the time we got home.



Nice few hours in the greenhouse this afternoon in the sunny weather planting up the hanging baskets and planters. Gone for cheep and cheerful. Iā€™ve done the full on traditional type. Many times both for me , customers and in the nursery. But itā€™s not cheep to do them well. Plus most of my suppliers have closed down. Last year I was let down when my order got cancelled. Too late to do much about. Watered every thing well will have check tomorrow to see if a few more plants need adding. Then tried to do same weeding but itā€™s way too wet. So just did what I could.


Country store and Co-op trek this afternoon which surprised me as coming just under 3 miles. Hadn't walked to the country store before and by paths (tarmac or compressed gravel) it was somewhat shorter to get to than by šŸš²or šŸš™ although did start šŸŒ§ļø.12 suet balls and three mealworm cakes purchased, the weight of which did make me think I should have gone to the Co-op first. Rain had stopped and a motorist kindly stopped to allow me across the remainder of the A59. Apples the key purchase at the Co-op.
Back home bird feeder re-erected and quickly inspected by a blue tit. Applied two coats of Light Oak stain to the previously Chestnut stained side gate. Its going to need a few more.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain eventually stopped and sun came out so took a turn down to Main St.
Got behind the local police car and he had to resort to using his blue lights to get along the street with pedestrians everywhere.
We are warned by the Harbour Association that another cruise liner will be arriving tomorrow.
Many of the 1600 passengers will have disembarked at Iona and are being taken here by bus to meet the ship.The bus company will have imported extra buses to cope with this. They have long double deckers which carry a lot of people.
I have not been to Iona for about 12 years and it was too busy then so now even worse. First time we went years ago it was in an open launch from Fionnphort with about 20 passengers. Last time we climbed up the "mountain" where very few go and looking down it was like looking at an ant heap. When we got back to Mull just before lunch there was a queue about half a mile long waiting to go over to Iona.
Am I getting obsessed by the surfiet of touroid? Probably yes but the Harbour people warning of more to come indicates I am not alone in getting fed up with the crowds in what used to be a nice place to live.
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