Mundane News

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Leg End Member
We're stationery on the M1 near Leicester, animal's in the road.
Wife delayed in Birmingham, animals on the train line....
The two conected?


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Tonight I did the ~5k steps walk along the rail trail, to complete the 10k. As I approached the end of the lit section a border collie came bounding up to me, it's owners arrived soon after. As I returned home it seemed to be raining a little, now it is raining a lot.

[aargh, too many As I's!]
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Stuff having a knackered back. Up and out early doors for a lap of Llandegla Black and red. Hit JJ's jumps (no jumps as the wind was that strong I was pedalling downhill) and also B Line, both first time for me. Good ride, loads of PBs and the only folk to pass me were about 4 eMTBs going uphill. They are not for me, if I can still turn the pedals I will. Weather was very windy, wet, but warmish. 13 miles.


Emergency Bin News:

At approximately 0150 am today, I have to report that I heard a clattering noise outside.

Upon extricating myself from the duvet (mid-weight and in a plain cream colour if you're wondering) and surveying the outside world I discovered that my black bin had blown over.

At this point I swelled with domestic pride, as I realised that it had blown over due to being very light - it was only about 10% full, if that - therefore meaning that I was sending a minimal ammout to landfill. Non of the neighbours' bins had blown over - the planet-screwing bas&$*"s I thought.

I exited my house at around 0158 am to righten the bin and replace the couple of bits which had tumbled out. I wedged it against the wall at such an angle that it wouldn't move again.

I am pleased to report that there were no further incidents and the bin remains wedged against the wall awaiting the hygiene executives attendance.

Bulletin Ends.
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