Mundane News

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Ham & cottage cheese (with a smidge of mustard) sarnie for elevensies, followed by a tangerine 🍊

I have notified the food police. Expect a knock on the door shortly. Two different non-solids in the same mouthful is, as you well know, forbidden. And what are you thinking, dressing up lunch as a mid-morning snack?


Cold but sunny and a quick northbound work visit nicely timed to firstly avoid getting stuck behind a wide load. It was sat in a layby on the Ripon bypass and it's lead vehicle started pulling out just after I passed. Noted a poorly signed road closure of the A6108 almost at the northern end of the bypass with no advance signage as the diversion route is south of it.
Second bit of good fortune was to get back through Killinghall before they switched on a new set of temporary lights, half a hour later massive queues according to local radio.
And a third bit was a lunchtime Co-Op trek getting back before the rain which has now started.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed under sunny skies with a gentle breeze.
Still would be a good day for a ride 😌
It's a mostly sunny and sort of warm kind of day here chez Casa Reynard. The wind is chilly though, and it must've been nippy overnight as it was only 17C downstairs.

Slept OK-ish, but was rudely awoken by my phone ringing at a time of the morning when I don't tend to function very coherently. Ended up throwing the damn thing across the room after seeing it was the cat breeder that has just messed me around. He also sent me a test saying "looking forward to seeing you at the show on Saturday." Well, the show is in Manchester, and I have absolutely no intention of going - my next shows are the Midland at Stoneleigh on the 4th May (judging) and the Suffolk & Norfolk at Moulton on the 18th (stewarding). I will probably reply to the text, but I'm not exactly in the mood to be charitable.

Anyways, I had a lovely morning walking some local trails with a friend and her two miniature Schnauzers. It's SO good to be able to put the world to rights.

I've also done some laundry. Dunno what I'll do this afternoon. Working in the garden doesn't seem to be do-able. Everything is sopping wet after last night's rain. Weekend and the early part of next week is looking drier though.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I have notified the food police. Expect a knock on the door shortly. Two different non-solids in the same mouthful is, as you well know, forbidden. And what are you thinking, dressing up lunch as a mid-morning snack?

I understand your chagrin, but as I was skipping lunch in favour of a walk along the banks of the River Nene, I needed more than a 'proper' elevensies.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with porchetta, the other with some Boursin cheese with black pepper, plus a banana, a pear and two :cuppa:

Laundry now sorted, have brought in a fresh pack of bog roll from the utility room, have re-stocked the kitchen cupboard with cat food and I have folded up and put away a load of shopping bags. Oh, and I've taken a packet with two duck breasts out of the freezer.

It has clouded over here, and the wind has picked up since this morning - blowing a north-westerly, so decidedly chilly.
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