Mundane News

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I presume it's closer to jewellery than maritime longitudinal calculation in its function, then.:smile:

I don't often have my phone with me as it's not practical. So a watch is a useful tool first and foremost, but if it also looks good, then there's no harm in that, is there? :smile:

And besides, when I do have my phone, it's usually tucked into a handbag. It's just far easier to check my wrist as opposed to furkling through all sorts of gubbins. :angel:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Afternoon cuppa swapped for a hot chocolate


Legendary Member
Why do councils bother with traffic calming measures when they can just let Openreach & Cadent do the job for them. In the first mile & a quarter of the ride into town there were two sets of 3-way temporary traffic lights and a road closure, while on a slightly different route back avoiding the road closure there was a 3rd set of 3-way traffic lights instead :banghead:

Anyhow, shopping has been done, washing done, dried and ready to be put away and another longer ride taken. This evening I'm off to Ipswich to see the 3rd band in 7 days.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Poured rain all day but not as windy as forecast so only a quick dash to the bin.
There are plenty of chores to be getting on with but somehow I cannot be bothered.
Problems never seem to stop appearing tho’.
I am invited to get a routine eye check by Specsavers in Oban which is free in Scotland.
Not made an appointment yet but the problem is how to get there. A day return car trip is impossible to book in the short term and in any case if I did not arrive around 0900 it would be impossible to park anywhere within walking distance. A day trip as a foot passenger is possible but there is from experience nowhere near the ferry terminal at Craignure to park and my walking distance is limited. Specsavers is too far in Oban for me to walk from the terminal. A trike could be possible but the geography of the one way system makes this impractical.
Taxi both ways in Oban seems a bit daft but would be cheaper than taking my own car. No shopping possible tho’.
I just need to wait until my next trip which will probably be a hospital visit and hope an eye test can be worked in there somehow.
There are advantages living here but I sometimes wonder if it is worth the extra bother.
Many mainlanders think lfe here is easy and I used to get job applications from people who wanted to come here for an easier life. In fact life here is harder than mainland in many respects.


Albert Einstein's office, photographed on the day of his death, 69 years ago today.


'How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it... But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people, first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent... and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.' Theoretical physicist and humanist, Albert Einstein, writing in 'The World as I See It' (1935)
I have done 2 rides today. The first was with my friends this morning . 19.5 miles. I had some lunch and a nap and then decided to dig my Carrera Zelos out. I pumped up the tyres and decided to go for a road test as it was still sunny. I popped over to see my brother. So another 12 miles. The bike went better than I remembered. 31.5 miles today.
I expect I will be shattered tomorrow.


I don't often have my phone with me as it's not practical. So a watch is a useful tool first and foremost, but if it also looks good, then there's no harm in that, is there? :smile:

And besides, when I do have my phone, it's usually tucked into a handbag. It's just far easier to check my wrist as opposed to furkling through all sorts of gubbins. :angel:

In addition to not having a watch, I also don't have a phone.
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